Rottie girls at 7 weeks, stacked and head shots

No, but I sure would like to one day.

I have no idea who YOU are, but hi.
Oh just shaina from the dog forums.

Just surprised me to see you here on "recent posts", then cracked me up when I searched your name to see if it was you and realized you've been here over a year and virtually all your posts are brags on your Rottweillers...on a chicken forum...with essentially no posts at all on anything related to chickens.

But hey w/e lol
Wow Shai, I haven't seen a post from you on chickens either. Hello pot, meet kettle.

If your only purpose here is to harangue, find somewhere else. Personally, I enjoy Red's posts. She seems like a conscientious breeder of quality dogs.

In fact, shaina or whomever you are, your only posts were on the 'what breed of horse do you hate" thread, the 'How do you choose a puppy" thread (1 post each), and two posts on thsi thread with NO meaningful content. Hrmmm....
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ultasol: Yep, just now looking like I'll be able to get birds in the near future so doing research. Haven't posted much at all, actually, on any topic...just reading and learning. Goodness I've only been a member a few months, and only researching seriously for the last week or so.

Only mentioned the above as I've been reading Red's posts on another forum for over a year and was surprised to see her here as I'd never heard her mention birds before...then again why would she, on a dog forum? I haven't either! Hence the "small world".

Really wasn't meaning to harrass anyone, as you seem to say with your rather overly defensive post...just made me laugh is all. Sorry to see you seemed to take such offense. Hopefully Red, to whom the post was intended, did not.

ETA: grammar!
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I think your wording, if not meant to be offensive, could have been far better.
to quote..
"realized you've been here over a year and virtually all your posts are brags on your Rottweillers...on a chicken forum...with essentially no posts at all on anything related to chickens."

So, sorry if you consider my post an overreaction, but your wording was inflammatory.
Again, sorry you took offense. Hopefully my explanation has helped ease your mind.
Adding response to your earlier edit "In fact, shaina or whomever you are, your only posts were on the 'what breed of horse do you hate" thread, the 'How do you choose a puppy" thread (1 post each), and two posts on thsi thread with NO meaningful content. Hrmmm...."

Yes as I have said I'm new to my research and have NO knowledge or experience of birds to contribute yet...which is why I'm here! I'm also likely to be moving in the next year which is when I hope to be able to get birds, so I don't yet have specific questions regarding setup since I don't know what my situation will be. So I answered two off topic threads with which I have at least some limited experience then replied to a familiar and unexpected name. For the third time I am sorry that you took such offense and if my post was worded improperly.
After all, this section is: Other Pets & Livestock. Many of us are interested in things in addition to poultry. No need for these distractions. Redyre, please continue with the updates of your pups and their development. I find your posts to be anything but "brags." Sourland George.

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