rotting mouth

The inside of the mouth looks like it could be canker, but I would also wonder if there isn't a tumor or infection under her beak. Fowl cholera, Mareks disease, and coryza can cause a swollen wattles or neck. I think a vet might be your next step. You could also cull the chicken and send the refrigerated body in to your state vet for a necropsy. Here is a link for contact info:
Any other suggestions as to what it could be. It doesnt seem to be spreading to the other birds. I just feel bad for her.she flips her head back ro swallow cus o think her tongue rotted off. Any medications i could give her to maybe make it better. Like swabbing with peroxide? I dont want ro put her in more pain od it doesnt help. Im seperating her from the others to make sure her water is fresh with apple cider vinegar every day. Any medications i could give her or remedies??
Someone posted on here in 2013 with the exact same thing. I commented on the thread. I hope they have an answer..
Someone posted on here in 2013 with the exact same thing. I commented on the thread. I hope they have an answer..
That swollen wattle is probably full of the same stuff you see in her mouth. If she were mine, I would try lancing it and I'd start her on antibiotics. The wattle will bleed a lot, so you should probably have styptic powder for that.


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