Round two of sour crop


Oct 11, 2020
Western Washington
Alright so last month one of my hens Penny had sour crop and I treated it with the yeast infection woman's cream in a syringe down her throat for a week and a few days after it all cleared up and her crop was empty in the morning that lasted for a good week then a week ago I noticed her acting all lethargic and not interested in treats over a few days so it looks like the sour crop is back but he crop isn't as big as the first time but she seems more not interested in anything. Her breath smells like I'd say wet chicken feed and when I examine her crop it's squshy and I can hear a almost bubble sound. So should I treat her again with the yeast infection cream or is there something else I could try ? Thanks
You can try the cream again or another product like Nystatin.

The cream needs to be given 2X a day for a full 7 days.

Often crop problems are a symptom of an underlying condition like reproductive disorders, worms, coccidiosis, infection, etc. so getting a fecal float is always a good idea to at least rule out internal parasites. Other causes can be a blockage in the digestive tract or gizzard.

The article below will walk you through treatment.
You can try the cream again or another product like Nystatin.

The cream needs to be given 2X a day for a full 7 days.

Often crop problems are a symptom of an underlying condition like reproductive disorders, worms, coccidiosis, infection, etc. so getting a fecal float is always a good idea to at least rule out internal parasites. Other causes can be a blockage in the digestive tract or gizzard.

The article below will walk you through treatment.
So I've been giving her the yeast infection cream again and she's just getting worse. She stopped eating and drinking water the scrambled eggs I gave her yesterday she just looked at it and now she's just sleeping a bunch and will hardly open her eyes when I try and wake her up so I'm assuming she's winding down ill still give her the yeast infection cream later but I don't think it's going to work this time
Photos of her and her poop?

Sounds like she's not doing well at all.
How old is she?
Has she been laying eggs?

Work on hydration first. Syringe or tube fluids into her if the crop is not over filled with liquid.
Photos of her and her poop?

Sounds like she's not doing well at all.
How old is she?
Has she been laying eggs?

Work on hydration first. Syringe or tube fluids into her if the crop is not over filled with liquid.
Yeah today she would hardly open her eyes and just sleep it seemed and her wings wouldn't be close to her they would be out a ways. Nope she hasn't pooped in a while probably before I put her back in my hospital area but I kinda think she did lay an egg last week after she bounced back and was back to normalafter the other week of yeast infection cream. She's just coming up on her third year she's a isa brown and I read they don't live very long but my other one pumpkin is still going strong and laying about every day. Her crop still feels like a small balloon but it's nothing like it was the first time , I gave her a little water with the syringe I'll go give her a bit more I think. I have the feeling she won't survive the night idk
I'm so sorry!:hugs

Not pooping is very concerning. Can you feel inside of her vent to see if she's egg bound?
You'll want to glove up, use a bit of lubricrant and feel inside her vent about 1-2". If you feel an egg, then you'll want to try to get her hydrated and get some calcium into her if possible.

Sometimes production hens can have reproductive problems that cause them to rapidly decline.
I'm so sorry!:hugs

Not pooping is very concerning. Can you feel inside of her vent to see if she's egg bound?
You'll want to glove up, use a bit of lubricrant and feel inside her vent about 1-2". If you feel an egg, then you'll want to try to get her hydrated and get some calcium into her if possible.

Sometimes production hens can have reproductive problems that cause them to rapidly decline.
I was just out there giving her some more water but she's for sure lost a bunch of weight she feels pretty boney. I figured she wasn't pooping because she hasn't been eating and drinking. She looks really bad though

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