routine worming


11 Years
Jul 26, 2012
I have never had an issue with worms but this year we did, so of course grabbed a bottle of safeguard liquid goat wormer and treated, tomorrow will be the 10 day retreat. I am going to worm annually from now on. When I worm for routine maintainence do I worm once or do the 10 day retreat???
Safeguard (goat drench) is given once, then again after 10 days to kill any hatching larva that escaped the first treatment. This is done to break the life cycle of the parasites. Otherwise, the hatching larva in the gut can just reinfect the bird and your first treatment was useless.

I like the idea of worming in late fall when egg production is lower so I don't waste as many eggs. Also, when the soil is cold and dry I think that reinfection is less likely to happen as quickly. I don't know if there is anything to that, it's just my theory. Also, by the time winter comes, they already fat and healthy.
Yea I know you have to retreat, I make sure I do when I worm any of my animals.
I think worming in late fall and/or early spring would be a good time to do it.. Depends on how bad worms are in the area I guess as to if you should do it twice. I just want to keep my babies healthy and happy... A happy hen makes a happy mommy

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