Run construction question

Amy PT

7 Years
May 7, 2012
We started coop construction this weekend. For the run, we're planning to make a 4x8 rectangle, with hardware cloth on all sides. The bottom of the run will be treated lumber, and we'll rest in all on the ground, putting ~2 inches of soil on top of the cloth on the bottom, and then occasionally building it up with straw, grass clippings, etc. like I've seen other folks here doing. They'll be let out to free range in the yard, but only for about an hour a day when the weather is nice.

Our yard is full of trees (and their roots, so digging a trench all around to bury 18" of hardware cloth isn't really an option).

Not sure how many chickens you are talking here but your run is about the same size as my banty/grow-out pen & mine can't free-range cuz we are in town. I don't see a problem as long as you are supervising free time. Would also depend on your location & what is around you as well.
My coop has wire top & bottom with about 2-3 inches of sand over the bottom wire. Works great. From your description I'm assuming you are doing something similar?
Honestly, I think having it solid wire top & bottom when possible is much safer than burying a row of wire a foot or 2 in the ground. I know nothing is coming thru my wire unless it fits thru the holes (2x3 down to 1/2x1/2 hardware cloth depending on which coop it is) or chews thru the wire (not likely). I have even had a 40 pound child crawl across the top of my run & it The bottom is identical but is under 2-3 inches of sand.
Thanks! I knew that plan was predator safe, but I was concerned about the chicks' scratch and dust bath happiness.
Those of you who bury the cloth, do you occasionally check the lumber to be sure it's not rotting away? We're using treated lumber on the bottom, so I figure it'll be okay.

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