Run fencing question.

I have found that you can surround a much larger area for less $$$, and a whole lot less work, with electrified poultry net. Digging in, and setting posts, buying yards of hardware cloth, to surround a small "run". I've read on this forum, where someone was looking to spend close to $2000, for a "run" a fraction of the size I've got. To he!! with that. To install, just step the spiked fence post in, hook up some power, either, household or solar, and be done with it. I've got fox, coons, wandering dogs, just about everything short of a bear around here, and I haven't lost a bird to a ground predator in 5yrs. Started out with 300', liked it, so I've bought 350' more of it. You want to move the coop, pull up the fence, move the coop, and set the fence back up, done.

Although I get snow in the that would not work.

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