run hygiene


8 Years
Nov 8, 2014
I'm looking for ideas on how to keep a sandy chicken and quail run healthy and sustainable besides the regular cleaning. Is there an organic way to disinfect it a couple of times a year?
When you clean the run. it only stays clean until there is a buildup of foreign matter.( the poop ) The nice thing about sand is it is relatively easy to clean up... Rake out the goodies. If your run stays dry, than it should be pretty healthy between cleanings. Soggy and wet...... and you are asking for problems... You may look into going the deep litter method. It is a change from what you have. It works such a way that all the waste gets composted ... Even so. it must on occasion be serviced. Read up about deep litter threads here and see if it is a viable option for you.
Things for you to think about and consider are some of the following questions..
How many birds.
How often need cleaning.
Is the run dry or soggy.
Are there sick birds as result of dirty run.
Can the odors of dirty run be tolerated. or offensive.
I can probably think of other issues but you get the general idea.
Thank you. That sounds very reasonable.
I clean the run twice a day. It's 10 by 10 feet. All dry sand. In winter it gets wet. The chickens are out and gone for half of the day, the quail stay in. I'm worried about all the little parts of poop that can't be scooped up. Those accumulate. And then what?
I think you are possibly worrying too much.. Twice a day cleaning, I would consider your run as spotless.. The little bits of waste that you cant scoop up, will eventually turn to dust or get washed into earth below sand from natural rain. Consider this that a chicken run is not intended to be as clean as the area where your baby toddler is crawling around in. Chickens scratch thru where their droppings fell and some of it gets recycled thru the chicken as well. They don't get sick.. Now compare that to people not properly washing their hand before eating.. YOU KNOW THE POSSIBILITIES THERE.

Bottom line........ animals can tolerate a lot more dirt and bacteria than people. ( my dogs and cats are always licking themselves. I take baths.
Thank you. That sounds very reasonable.
I clean the run twice a day. It's 10 by 10 feet. All dry sand. In winter it gets wet. The chickens are out and gone for half of the day, the quail stay in. I'm worried about all the little parts of poop that can't be scooped up. Those accumulate. And then what?
Used sand in my brooder, easy to scoop poops does accumulate pulverized poop that cannot be separated.
I use it for a few batches of chicks then use it to fill holes in the yard.

I don't clean my run (8x50) at all, it's just sandy soil on a very slight slope.
I do throw some straw and grass clippings in once in a while during snowmelt season or after heavy rains(wet = stink).

What is your climate? Putting your location in your profile will help folks give you better suggestions

I'm looking for ideas on how to keep a sandy chicken and quail run healthy and sustainable besides the regular cleaning. Is there an organic way to disinfect it a couple of times a year?
'Disinfecting' is not really possible...but a good mix in size, shape and materials of 'brown' organic matter will create an environment that will decompose the poops.
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