Run question regarding Raccons

I am in the process of building my new run. I am going with 8' high walls for the pen made from pressure treated lumber that will be covered with hardware cloth to keep the critters out. With that said, I am contemplating incoming critters over the top . I do not think a fox or coyote could ever climb the walls but I am wondering if Raccons would be able to climb it? If so, then I will have to enclose the top too-which is more expense. Any thoughts on this? Thanks for any and all advice
Just go 6 feet high and cover the top too, many critters can climb well....and hawks

That video cracked me up, not the chicken death but the editing commentary.
Also shows how ineffective the flashing 'predator eyes' lights are.... well as the automatic door, that left one bird outside to be eaten by fox.
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Raccoon's are really smart and handy; go with a good covered top and forget about the rollers. Mary
The run will definitely be covered, I have to in order to keep the chickens inside. I would love to be able to free-range them, unfortunately my dogs would 'love' it even more. I was wondering how effective the rollers would be as an additional deterrent against racoons.
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Quote: Nah, He'll make the predators build and pay for it!
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