~Run With The Pack~ Wolf Roleplay

"Oh.... from a pack?" Phoenix smiled genuinely. "What are you doing in the loner territory?"

"I wanted to take a walk outside of my territory, just for a while." That was only partially the truth; the main reason Faedon was away was because she wanted to get away from Stonepack's wolves. She just felt so lonely, and part of her was considering leaving the pack. The only thing stopping her was the fact that her parents were there. She couldn't leave them; it would break their hearts.
"Thanks cool." Phoenix nodded. "Hey, there's a small group of deer in the part of the territory.. I was looking for a wolf to hunt with... and I'll only need a piece. You could have the rest of it..." he offered.
Kyra and Leah stumbled along walking through an unknown part of the forest "Admit it Kyra, we are lost" Leah said tiredly.

Lark padded through the forest, her face frustrated and confused. Leaves crunched and branches snapped under her paws as she walked along. An unfamiliar scent hit her nose, and she bristled a bit. "How many intruders am I going to deal with today?" she growled to herself. She stalked over to the source, her lips curling inward. But when she saw the pups, she paused a bit. Her fur began to lie flat, and she stopped growling. She sank to the ground, crouching behind a pine tree. Its needled branches hid her.
Quote: Amber blinked.She barreled past Isis, hitting her side and followed Akira.Being as gently as she could with the pup in her jaws.

The pup swung around in Akira's jaws, but she did her best to keep it steady. She glanced behind her when she heard pawsteps thrumming on the ground; Silver and Hunter were chasing them through the loner lands. Akira's eyes glinted maliciously as she charged over the border to Darkpack. When she was a few yards over, she turned around and howled her triumph.
"Oh.... from a pack?" Phoenix smiled genuinely. "What are you doing in the loner territory?"

"I wanted to take a walk outside of my territory, just for a while." That was only partially the truth; the main reason Faedon was away was because she wanted to get away from Stonepack's wolves. She just felt so lonely, and part of her was considering leaving the pack. The only thing stopping her was the fact that her parents were there. She couldn't leave them; it would break their hearts.
"Thanks cool." Phoenix nodded. "Hey, there's a small group of deer in the part of the territory.. I was looking for a wolf to hunt with... and I'll only need a piece. You could have the rest of it..." he offered.

Faedon's eyes lit up like the lights on a Christmas tree. That's the first time anyone's offered to hunt with me in... I don't know how long! "I'd be glad to." Ever so slightly, her tail began to wag.
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Amber tensed when she heard the pup cry.She hoped Akira wasn't serious and would actually kill a pup,because if she was Amber wouldn't stay in a pack that killed pups.She still held her pup she had caught in her jaws,her teeth barely hitting it's flesh.She was a lot more gentle on pups.

Akira's eyes glinted at Isis as she stared her down for a second longer. Then, she bunched her hind legs, performing a massive leap. She sailed over Isis, and began racing away, into the forest and towards Darkpack's territory.

Amber blinked.She barreled past Isis, hitting her side and followed Akira.Being as gently as she could with the pup in her jaws.

The pup swung around in Akira's jaws, but she did her best to keep it steady. She glanced behind her when she heard pawsteps thrumming on the ground; Silver and Hunter were chasing them through the loner lands. Akira's eyes glinted maliciously as she charged over the border to Darkpack. When she was a few yards over, she turned around and howled her triumph.
Amber skidded to a stop beside her.She set the pup down gently and let out one howl of triumph then turned back to her pup
Kyra stopped and turned to her sister "I know we are lost, Leah" She sighed looking around
Leah sat and looked around also, she thought she could see other wolves "Uh, Kyra, This might not be a good time to stop.
Kyra stopped and turned to her sister "I know we are lost, Leah" She sighed looking around
Leah sat and looked around also, she thought she could see other wolves "Uh, Kyra, This might not be a good time to stop.
Frost continued watching them, wondering why those two pups were all alone.
"I never gave it." Mari replied, shrugging. "So.... what's so great about your pack?" she asked, sarcasm  cthick in her voice. 

"everything!" He knew she was being sarcastic but the his eyes lite up like a full moon as he talked about his pack. "Senkah is stern, but so kind and her mate Hades, he is quite but loves everyone in the pack, we have a blind she wolf and the whole pack looks after her. We recently took in a stolen pup that wad raised by dark pack, the whole pack is helping him. And from the sounds if Collia's howl we just took in an injured loner." His voice clearly showed how proud he was of his pack. "please, I would love to know your name."
"W-what do I do?" Larch asked Faedon timidly. She had the same terror in her eyes that Collia had.

"Go back and tell Senkah and Hades," Collia ordered, not even bothering to look at Larch. Larch nodded, and turned, loping back to the densite.

"I'll need your help carrying her," Faedon grunted to Collia as she crouched down. Collia nodded, and lifted her onto Faedon's back.

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