~Run With The Pack~ Wolf Roleplay

Quote: "Your lovely pack member, Zero, was kind enough to drill the idea in my head that I needed a pack." He said nonchalantly.

"And this is how you act when you wish to join a pack?" Senkah peered down at him. "You can stay here when you learn your place, Wildfire." Wildfire drew up to his full size, lips curled into a snarl. "My place," he spat the words, "is as alpha."

With a whip of his tail, his pelt slipped into the lengthening shadows.

( I have a plan for him, but not as alpha, so don't worry... ) (kk. If you want him to become alpha at some point, I can sort of "reserve" him to become Pinepack's next beta (or alpha, if Orps doesn't want the position). Nightwish and awesome aren't on this RP very often.)

Senkah scoffed under her breath, and rolled her eyes. "Great. Another ambitious nomad in my way. Just what we need." She stalked away back to Luna's den. ( Sure )

Wildfire felt a smirk dancing across his muzzle. This wolf was one who wanted power... and he would get it.

"Zero," Wildfire barked softly. "Zero."

Zero had started to resume running through the woods. She was still stewing about Wildfire... and then she heard his voice. She set her jaw angrily, and every hair on her pelt bristled. "What do you want?!" she roared. Wildfire ran his left front paw along the dirt. "Zero," he hissed, an ambitious glint in his eyes. "Follow me." "Are you nuts? How do I know you aren't going to just lead me into a trap? Or kill me when I'm far, far away from my pack and where any help could come? NO!" "Ya know, Zero," he grinned. "I like you, and your spirit."

"Sad to say it isn't mutual," Zero spat.
( I'm not on a phone, but rather a tablet--not an iPad--but it's still killer. )

Wildfire pelted ahead a few yards, and stopped in his tracks. The smell of a fat, young doe had engulfed his nostrils.
( I'm not on a phone, but rather a tablet--not an iPad--but it's still killer. )

Wildfire pelted ahead a few yards, and stopped in his tracks. The smell of a fat, young doe had engulfed his nostrils.

Zero followed after him silently. She had a plan...
( Muri's looking to join Emerald Pack, so if Storm and Nyx could come to speak with her or something, that'd be great. And Kodiak just sent Willowsong on a mission, so Atra may be needed. )

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