~Run With The Pack~ Wolf Roleplay

( Muri's looking to join Emerald Pack, so if Storm and Nyx could come to speak with her or something, that'd be great. And Kodiak just sent Willowsong on a mission, so Atra may be needed. )

Nyx stayed in the denning site as Storm went out to finish marking Emeraldpack's borders.

Atra lapped up some water from the Darkpack river and looked around for the rest of her pack's members.
Larch and Collia padded into Stonepack's densite together. Collia murmured something to Larch, who cocked a brow.
Quote: Wildfire pounced, aiming for the neck of the doe.

( What state/country/continent does this take place in? )

The doe bolted. Zero launched forwards, planting her paws down on the doe's shoulders. Beneath Wildfire and Zero's weight, it collapsed.

(Alaska/Canada. There aren't any humans nearby, other than hunters, which only come by once or twice in the spring or fall.)

*whew* okay.

In Emeraldpack... Lark and North are confronting Nighta and Akira. Nikko (new charrie, Chickenfan's) just brought an injured loner named Muri (New charrie, ClucksAndPeeps') back to Emeraldpack. And Storm and Nyx will be having pups soon.

In Stonepack... Zero confronted a loner named Wildfire, who briefly fought with Senkah and Hades.

In Darkpack... Kodiak and Willowsong (New charrie, ClucksAndPeeps') just talked. Nighta and Akira will become mates soon.
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