

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
has anyone used a dog pen for a chicken run

looking at getting 3-4 hens got the coop being built looking at sturdy easy run
tractor supply has dog kennel run with 2x4 welded wire or plain old chain link fence

will these work
I have heard of many people using dog runs for the chicken run although you may want to consider covering the top of it for weather or predators. hardware cloth wire is more safe predatorwise than chicken wire but some just use netting to keep the hawks out. dont know if ground predators could climb it or dig under it though.-lisa
That's what we are using now until I can build a new run. We just moved last month and it hasn't been too warm to work outside. It is working well.
yeah i was looking at 5x10 for my run with 3-4 hens cover the top with canvas and the other with hardware 1/2 so no hawks get in
We have a 10X 10 dog kennel and we used the side canvas it came with over the top until we get the snow to melt so we can build the final run. We had it in our garage until today and just moved all the girls out to the coop. Cross your fingers the 18" of snow we got yesterday will melt quickly so we can build the bigger run!
I just purchased two 10x10x6 dog kennels from tractor supply.We are in the processed of putting wire on the tops.I am obsessed with runs.this will make a total of six runs.the other four runs my DH built.three have roofs on them to keep my girls dry when it rains.He keeps reminding me we only have seven hens.
I also purchased the 10x10x6 from TSC. I have silkies and had an 7 week old escape! Probably from the space near the doors. I bought a 10x10 cover from Amazon for $57 that is mostly water proof (easy to put up with zip ties). I then covered the lower 2 feet with hardware cloth, wrapping it around the poles near the door opening to fill that space. I dug a few inches down and two feet out and laid chicken wire and covered back up with dirt. I ziptied the chicken wire to the bottom of the hardware cloth (not sure if that makes sense?) I also ziptied chicken wire over the top (cloth is not predator proof). I think it would have been easier to build it from scratch at this point!

I wish someone sold a premade chicken coop with attached run that was a decent size!

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