*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

What size leg bands (bandettes) should be used for Runners? I thought I had read that size 9 was the size, but the bands that I have seem like they would be small for them.
These are our 2 new babies. Just hatched yesterday. Mom is chocolate and dad is blue. Of course the barnevelders had to photo bomb them :)
They are so silly. I have 5 pekins in with them. I used my small standard tub a few weeks ago and it was just to small. So I let them play in the other one
Hey there Runner Folks, question for y'all today. I have 3 Runners. (1 duck, 2 drakes). One of my drakes will be rehomed soon. I can't choose which drake to send, they are both mild tempered (so far) and very beautiful. The only noticeable difference is strictly appearance, one drake has a darker brown mask and dark shoulder spots. He might have a neck that is just a tad bit thicker too. But not out of proportion as far as I can tell. The other drake is quite pale and slender, as is the duck. So which drake do I keep?
Thanks everybody. You're the best, if I didn't have you guys and gals here at BYC to ask, well I wouldn't know who to ask! Thanks y'all!

Ok I'm trying (first time) to post a pic with a new to me device. Hope it works! So you'll see a big Pekin on the far right, to her left is my dark drake and on the far left is the light drake. Behind them is the duck and my special Khaki Campbell Mom. (The runners adopted her and her babies) The dark duck in the background was hatched by Khaki but currently is mothered by the runner duck. :)

P.S. that pic I took first thing this am, before I collected eggs or cleaned out the water, so please do not judge based on those things.
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Ok I'm trying (first time) to post a pic with a new to me device. Hope it works! So you'll see a big Pekin on the far right, to her left is my dark drake and on the far left is the light drake. Behind them is the duck and my special Khaki Campbell Mom. (The runners adopted her and her babies) The dark duck in the background was hatched by Khaki but currently is mothered by the runner duck.

P.S. that pic I took first thing this am, before I collected eggs or cleaned out the water, so please do not judge based on those things.
personally I like the guy in the middle

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