*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

How long have they been in the incubator? And I have seen some hop on top that appears to be just practice sessions.
I put them in for 7 days and then candle them but nothing appears. I keep them in for another 7 days because I refuse to believe they aren't fertile but nothing happens. They mate at least once a day both in the water and on dry land so I assumed they would have it right at least once.
My female duck is covered in mud and she won't clean off in the pool. Usually when I put clean water in the pool she is the first one in there but it's been 2 weeks and she won't clean off or even go into the pool anymore. She is eating and getting around just fine but I have no idea why she refuses to clean off. Any ideas?
Who else is in the flock? Did a drake give her a hard time in the pool?

You could bring her in for a quick bath in cool water during the warmer part of the day and see what's up. It is tricky because you don't want her to experience temperature extremes - to me, that would be more than 20 degree F difference.

I think it was Zook who bathed one of his ducks in a shed that was out of the elements but not too warm.
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Who else is in the flock? Did a drake give her a hard time in the pool?

You could bring her in for a quick bath in cool water during the warmer part of the day and see what's up. It is tricky because you don't want her to experience temperature extremes - to me, that would be more than 20 degree F difference.

I think it was Zook who bathed one of his ducks in a shed that was out of the elements but not too warm.
It seems like the drakes always give her a hard time in the pool. LOL She always seems to welcome it though. I might try to bring her in tomorrow for a bath if she hasn't done anything or I might just bath her in that pool while the boys are locked in their house. Thanks for the suggestion.
quote name="AbbeyRoad" url="/t/609642/runner-duck-club/930#post_12893555"]Super cute!  My ducks/geese aren't fans of hose rain showers.  I even got them a sprinkler for the summer.  Is it a personality thing?  Does one duck love it more than the others?

I started it off slowly to gauge their reaction. I also turn it off and on so it's not constant. I think it also depends on the weather. I'm in Brisbane Queensland Australia and we have been having heat waves!

This is our sweet girl, Richard. We lost her to a hawk last week and are heartbroken. Her mate was a mallard drake (named Party) that was her partner in crime. They had never spent a minute apart!

My husband came home to find the hawk on top Of our poor baby's lifeless body and her mate watching petrified beneath our sons sandbox.

Leaving her unattended was a choice I will never forgive myself for. Party would call out for her for while searching the yard and then would stand silently staring at the spot where she was killed. He called for her all night. I finally took a mirror and a large photo of our girl and placed it in his coop. He finally settled in next to the mirror and stared at his missing love's photograph. The mirror I gave him was the same mirror we had given sweet Richard when she came to us and was devastatingly lonely.

These two photos will bring so many emotional smacks for years to come....


Her death brought on many different situations but the most important was the fact that I now had two drakes and one hen. I had to act quickly after finding both makes mounting the lone hen just one day after she died!
So here are the new ladies....

They hAve healed things in different ways. I wasn't ready to move on, but Richard would have wanted it that way.

This is our sweet girl, Richard. We lost her to a hawk last week and are heartbroken. Her mate was a mallard drake (named Party) that was her partner in crime. They had never spent a minute apart!

My husband came home to find the hawk on top Of our poor baby's lifeless body and her mate watching petrified beneath our sons sandbox.

Leaving her unattended was a choice I will never forgive myself for. Party would call out for her for while searching the yard and then would stand silently staring at the spot where she was killed. He called for her all night. I finally took a mirror and a large photo of our girl and placed it in his coop. He finally settled in next to the mirror and stared at his missing love's photograph. The mirror I gave him was the same mirror we had given sweet Richard when she came to us and was devastatingly lonely.

These two photos will bring so many emotional smacks for years to come....

Her death brought on many different situations but the most important was the fact that I now had two drakes and one hen. I had to act quickly after finding both makes mounting the lone hen just one day after she died!
So here are the new ladies....

They hAve healed things in different ways. I wasn't ready to move on, but Richard would have wanted it that way.

This is our sweet girl, Richard. We lost her to a hawk last week and are heartbroken. Her mate was a mallard drake (named Party) that was her partner in crime. They had never spent a minute apart!

My husband came home to find the hawk on top Of our poor baby's lifeless body and her mate watching petrified beneath our sons sandbox.

Leaving her unattended was a choice I will never forgive myself for. Party would call out for her for while searching the yard and then would stand silently staring at the spot where she was killed. He called for her all night. I finally took a mirror and a large photo of our girl and placed it in his coop. He finally settled in next to the mirror and stared at his missing love's photograph. The mirror I gave him was the same mirror we had given sweet Richard when she came to us and was devastatingly lonely.

These two photos will bring so many emotional smacks for years to come....

Her death brought on many different situations but the most important was the fact that I now had two drakes and one hen. I had to act quickly after finding both makes mounting the lone hen just one day after she died!
So here are the new ladies....

They hAve healed things in different ways. I wasn't ready to move on, but Richard would have wanted it that way.
I'm so sorry. I went through a similar situation this fall with my 2 drakes. I came out one morning to find that one of our beloved Magpies, Sanjay, had been murdered during the night. The 2 drakes were best of friends and Craig was so sad. I didn't want to leave him by himself. I put him in the chicken coop until I got my blue runner. Remington and Craig are now best of friends.

And I'm getting my runner drake some girlfriends!!! Baby ducks come tomorrow!! He'll have to wait a little till they get bigger. Now if I can find a pair of female blue magpies for Craig the boys will be set!
Hay all

I am just doing some research and have a few questions.

I have had 2 ducks before ( In with my chickens ) and they where great, no disease, lice etc. I only had them for a short though.

1) I am just wondering, what common diseases do ducks bring?
2) Do they get lice, mites and worms?
3) What is the worst disease a duck can get and how bad is it?
4) Would having mostly ducks, but a few chickens with them be ok? The chickens would be housed separately but will free range with the ducks.
5) Finally, for those who have ducks and chickens or have had both. Which animal is more disease, and especially mite and lice resistant.

Any help is much appreciated

( Sorry for your recent loss Vickers. )

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