*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Thank you, all!

I do have other birds, so they'd just be assimilated into the flock. I don't think they'll be any more work since I already have waterfowl. I just didn't want to take on more retirees since I'll have enough of my own soon enough.

Hi all,
I'm looking into getting 3 runners and would like any recommendations on hatcheries for such a small number. We live in central Texas if that's relevant.
thank you
If you are doing mail order, which I have never done myself, I would just pick the one closest to you geographically (shortest transport time), pay attention to your weather forecast (avoid temperature extremes and fluctuations), and def speak to your chosen hatchery about what they do to insure that you'll receive living ducklings, and what is their guarantee?
You might also ask the hatchery where the ducklings will ship from. I chose an Ohio hatchery as it was closest to me. The ducklings were shipped from Chula Vista, California. I am very happy with how it turned out, I was just surprised - never thought about it, but apparently there are subcontractors.
I had not, either, HollyDuckFarmer, and someone on BYC told me about that after I had ordered. I had asked if I could pick the ducklings up in Ohio and was simply told they don't do that.
You might also ask the hatchery where the ducklings will ship from. I chose an Ohio hatchery as it was closest to me. The ducklings were shipped from Chula Vista, California. I am very happy with how it turned out, I was just surprised - never thought about it, but apparently there are subcontractors.

Several of these "hatcheries" don't have any birds on the premises, they are shipped from breeders elsewhere. I used to ship birds to people who ordered them from Strombergs. I just put the Stromberg label on them.

I ordered from a 'breeder' once, received all 2 day old, living ducklings. Two were kind of weak and died within the 1st month. Have since talked to feed stores in the area and found local sources for ducks that are a bit older - 4 wks to several months. They're not the little cuties you can hold in your hand but they are healthier, not as fragile, fully feathered so can safely swim in the big pond, eat regular poultry food and tolerate cooler temps. The trade off is worth it! The demands of caring for little ducklings is a stressor I don't need. I also am concerned about buying from big hatcheries - reminds me of puppy mills. I'd rather support the little growers where I can check out the living conditions and health of the flock before buying AND support local farmers.

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