*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

HI there,

I am new to runner ducks. I have always had blue Swedish ducks and their mother's hatch them and take care of them but I bought 4 fawn & white runners from our local feed store about two weeks ago. They seem to be doing really good but I have a few questions.

We live in Florida, the temp. right now is going to be highs in the 70's and 80's. We have a large dog run and I wanted to start taking them out in the day time and bringing them in at night. Will this be ok at this age?

Can they have a small pool until they are big enough for the pond?

They do this little thing that I have not seen with any of my other ducks do, their tails kind of pump up and down and with their beaks they kind of look like they are chewing. They do this while resting. I don't think their to hot because they have plenty of room to move away from the light. Is this normal behavior?

How long do they need a heat lamp?

I started them on non medicated food, I inadvertently bought medicated poultry starter and began feeding it to them by accident yesterday. Is this ok? Should I go get un medicated or can I start them on grower now?

I would greatly appreciate any advices.
HI there,

I am new to runner ducks. I have always had blue Swedish ducks and their mother's hatch them and take care of them but I bought 4 fawn & white runners from our local feed store about two weeks ago. They seem to be doing really good but I have a few questions.

We live in Florida, the temp. right now is going to be highs in the 70's and 80's. We have a large dog run and I wanted to start taking them out in the day time and bringing them in at night. Will this be ok at this age? Be absolutely sure nothing can get in the run. Predators will pull pieces of a duck out through the fence or even a one inch gap at the bottom. Temperature-wise, they are probably okay if it is mid 70's or warmer. They also need to be kept from overheating, and they need water and food at all times.

Can they have a small pool until they are big enough for the pond? I would not let them have a pool unsupervised until they are fully feathered.

They do this little thing that I have not seen with any of my other ducks do, their tails kind of pump up and down and with their beaks they kind of look like they are chewing. They do this while resting. I don't think their to hot because they have plenty of room to move away from the light. Is this normal behavior? Can you get a video? What is the temperature in the brooder?

How long do they need a heat lamp? 90˚F the first week, dropping 5 degrees a week till the brooder is the same temperature as the rest of their world.

I started them on non medicated food, I inadvertently bought medicated poultry starter and began feeding it to them by accident yesterday. Is this ok? Should I go get un medicated or can I start them on grower now? Some people don't like using the medicated, from from anything I have read on here, the medicated is okay. Your call. I would strongly urge you to add brewer's yeast to their food ( a tablespoon a day per three ducklings) or niacin (not no-flush or timed release) in their water, 100 mg per gallon for the first 8 weeks. Chick starter tends to be too low in niacin for ducklings. Not all ducklings seem to have problems with it, but plenty do.

I would greatly appreciate any advices.
My ducklings arrived this morning! (6:20 am)
They are the cutest little guys eveeer!
I have a couple questions though :)
One of them just ( I think) threw up.... is that even possible? She started sneezing and spit out mushy food.
Is she okay? Her and all the rest of the ducklings are running around eating and drinking. My grandparents were just over and one of them had picked her up. Could it just be she was a little stressed?
Yes, ducklings can throw up. Sometimes if they get really hungry they will overeat and barf. Or, if they are picked up in a way that pushes on their tummy. Please check back in to let us know everything is fine (c:
Thanks so much for the advice. I will try to get a video of their behavior, but I think they may have been a little warm. I moved the lamp up about 3" and they seemed to stop it for now. The brooder was at 83 now its at 80. I went ahead and bought some non medicated food and I will get some brewer's yeast today.

One more question, I have read that you can give them peas and grass, do they need grit like chickens or can they just have them? I have decided to wait a few more days before taking them out.

Thanks so much for the advice. I will try to get a video of their behavior, but I think they may have been a little warm. I moved the lamp up about 3" and they seemed to stop it for now. The brooder was at 83 now its at 80. I went ahead and bought some non medicated food and I will get some brewer's yeast today.

One more question, I have read that you can give them peas and grass, do they need grit like chickens or can they just have them? I have decided to wait a few more days before taking them out.

Yes, they need some chick grit before eating peas. Miss Lydia would bring in a chunk of grass and soil in the roots from an area she was sure had nothing toxic in it (as in, nowhere near where cars park), and let the ducklings nibble at that, since the sand and little pebbles in the soil are grit.

I would sprinkle chick grit - just a teaspoon - on the ducklings' food once a day.
I just hatched a runner and it's legs are look like they are turning a blue/ brownish color. Almost looks like his legs are bruised. It's been a while since I've had a duckling but I don't remember my others looking like that. Is this normal? Also I was wondering with it's mother being solid white and it's father being fawn/white what color I should expect this little duckling to be.
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I have fawn and white indian runners. I was given eggs to hatch last year and I had a fairly good hatch. In the end 5 ducks ended up living. I sold a pair, one died and I have another pair that has just started to lay. Currently I am collecting their eggs and I will incubate them. I am also interested in selling their eggs. I live in Ontario, Canada. How much do you get for your fawn and white eggs???

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