*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Eek! I can finally join the club!
Picked up my three fawn and white babies today <3


Here they snoozing with a buff Orpington chick I just couldn't resist. (She will join the rest of my chicks when they arrive next week.)
Eek! I can finally join the club!
Picked up my three fawn and white babies today <3

Here they snoozing with a buff Orpington chick I just couldn't resist. (She will join the rest of my chicks when they arrive next week.)

Welcome to the club! Those are some cute ducklings! I have fawn and whites too and I love them. I have 31 of their eggs in an incubator right now, they are due to hatch May 9 and also I am trying to get a bantam to go broody on a dozed of the ducks eggs. I hope that you enjoy you indian runners as much as everyone else on this thread do!! Good luck!
Unbelievable! My Runners put themselves up tonight !!!! I have done treats to get them in and have chased them with my husband (which is always a humorous event), but never have they simply marched on in to their duck house! I hope this is something they decide to do every night now!

Love the baby pictures!

Walt-your runners are absolutely beautiful! So elegant!

Those mini ones, whatever type they are, are so adorable!

Out of my 3 runners I think one is a male and 2 are females. Today the 2 females were having a beak fight! Or just playing, not sure, they were being kind of gentle, then the male went between them to break it up, It was so cute. All 3 like 2 of my dogs and will follow them all around the yard. They like to cuddle with one of my dogs, I will have to post pics.

Also, they have been chasing the dandelion puffy seeds, it is so funny. They will see them and go running at them and then eat the seeds. Yard maintenance!
I'm so sad, my fawn and white runner has turned into a buff orpington. :( I was so hopeful that my tall little upright girl would be a runner. But as she has feathered out she has also changed shape and no longer stands upright. I still love her though. :) some day I will have a true runner!
I'm so sad, my fawn and white runner has turned into a buff orpington. :( I was so hopeful that my tall little upright girl would be a runner. But as she has feathered out she has also changed shape and no longer stands upright. I still love her though. :) some day I will have a true runner!
Hi there,

I have 4 runner ducks, white and fawn, and I am wondering when they can be left outside at night by themselves. By the end of the week our temperature will be in the low 90's and the mid 60's at night. I currently let them out in the day time but collect them at night but they are quickly growing out of their indoor pen. Here they are 2 weeks ago with their first adventure. They are now 4 1/2 weeks old. I will try and get new pictures today in their new pool.
I'm so jealous of everyone's runners! I have to be a "grownup" and save money for "necessities".
But next year I'll be posting my brand new duckies here.

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