*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Moved the Webfoot Gang out to their big kido pen... now its like starting all over again. They won't come up to us for treats. The run if we try to get near them.. 2 steps forward 3 steps back !!!
'Tis the life of runners. When mine were in the brooder they would come up and "nibble" on my fingers. Now that they are in the barn they run wildly if they think I am even looking at them.
Hi! I don't know if this is helpful or not... I have let my runners outside in their area at about 7 weeks old, of course they became flighty. But, I also have rouen ducklings (very affectionate) which I turned out two weeks later, at about 4 weeks old (it's hot here now). Well, now the runners follow the rouens to greet and play with me.
My poor runners, I make them cuddle me!!
Then when the kids hold them they get treats. The only time they really come is first thing in the morning to follow me for a swim, other than that the chase is on.
3 more blue fawn penciled hatched today making the total 8. Blue hen had 3 blues sitting on her back this afternoon. Will see how many for sure when she brings them off the nest. Black hen is due in a couple days.
Time to get another picture - I noticed early this week that the white coloration on the wings of one of my blue / lavender runners makes makes it look like she has a heart on her back.

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