*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Here is Spot - 2 years old, Tux and Goldie at 6 weeks old.
This is Dove with her Guardian Angel at her side
Our blended family - 2 Moms, 3 ducklings & inseparable after 2 weeks. Tried to put my foot down again today but after terrorizing the rest of the flock & fighting for an hour, then just hanging out at the grow out pen gate for another hour, I gave in & let her return to her family. All were much calmer after that. Snowy, at the front, seems to be having some separation and reintegration issues.
My runner has gone broody 2 years in a row. The ducklings hatched out over a span of about 2 1/2 days. On both occasions she was very attentive to all the ducklings. She was a great mom, and very protective of them. Never had any problems at all.
The blacks have left the nest.
My babies are 7 wks now.. Finley & Rowan... I also have two KC. My KC have settled down a bit faster than my runners. When we pick our runners up they just squirm and won't settle down. The KC just let you hold them and pet and cuddle them. are Runners just a bit more high strung ?
At what age to Runners typically start to lay? My girls are about 17 weeks, Story's guide says 14-17, but no eggs yet. They are certainly interested in my male though. I read that ducks are rapists of the bird world, but the girls are very willing participants!
At what age to Runners typically start to lay? My girls are about 17 weeks, Story's guide says 14-17, but no eggs yet. They are certainly interested in my male though. I read that ducks are rapists of the bird world, but the girls are very willing participants!
I know that my male has a healthy appetite for the girls. The runner girls are not interested in them at all. They hide in the run when it is free time so they can stay away from the boys. When the boys do come back they go crazy on them. I put them together a few weeks too early and one of my blue girls ended up with a raw neck. It was all tore up with no feathers so had to separate them for a few more weeks. They still don't like the boys. Glad that my Pekin can keep them mostly taken care of whether she liked it or not

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