*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Crosses between breeds are always fertile ( except when there's a muscovy involved of course), since they belong to the same species.

Crosses between runners and other breeds are never as upright or slender as a real runner duck, so compared to a runner duck, any crossbreed should be very obvious.
My guys, well some of them! Disregard the toulouse and dominique..

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My black Indian runner is the best i have 3 indian runners and 3 magpies and only my black (Maedae) runner always comes though my legs wanting me to pet and pick him up he's t
he best. My kids even trip out on how he acts with me he hates for me to leave the yard he will sqwack and make lots of noise till i get back
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Sick ducks? We have a flock of 5 fawn runners and 6 black runners. They were all born on July 1st so will be 5 weeks old tomorrow.

The 2 smallest ducks are both black and they appear to be sick. Here are some of the symptoms: listless; don't come to the feeder and eat when the rest of the flock does (they often just lay down off to the side); will sit in your lap and fall asleep (the others will fight to get down); sometimes will lay 4-8' away from the flock; don't show much interest in foraging; not very alert like the others.

I think that they are eating and drinking OK-they have water around the clock, shade, feed when in their pen and sometimes outside (they spend a lot of time outdoors); clean shavings to lie down on. We are feeding a non-medicated multi-flock food-consistency is small (crumble mix).

Do ducks establish a pecking order and could these 2 be the bottom? Any other ideas? Thanks!
That isn't a pecking order.. There is a pecking order with males definitely when it comes to females, but what you are describing is that your ducks appear to be in distress. I would get them on some stress aid, vitamins and probiotics ASAP. Check their weight and double check their food. Sounds like possible aflatoxins.
Is Saxony a runner duck pattern? I have three runner ducks that came in as 'surprise me' from Holderread this spring. Two are obviously black... I can figure that out. 8)

I was assuming the third was fawn and white, but really it is mostly fawn with Saxony markings on the head. Thought it was a saxony (which I had also ordered) for a long time, actually, took a couple weeks to start standing like a runner. Here are two pictures of her (still in her juvenile feathers).

Sick ducks? We have a flock of 5 fawn runners and 6 black runners. They were all born on July 1st so will be 5 weeks old tomorrow.

The 2 smallest ducks are both black and they appear to be sick. Here are some of the symptoms: listless; don't come to the feeder and eat when the rest of the flock does (they often just lay down off to the side); will sit in your lap and fall asleep (the others will fight to get down); sometimes will lay 4-8' away from the flock; don't show much interest in foraging; not very alert like the others.

I think that they are eating and drinking OK-they have water around the clock, shade, feed when in their pen and sometimes outside (they spend a lot of time outdoors); clean shavings to lie down on. We are feeding a non-medicated multi-flock food-consistency is small (crumble mix).

Do ducks establish a pecking order and could these 2 be the bottom? Any other ideas? Thanks!
Ducklings need food available 24/7 - until they are a couple months old at least. If they don't get that, the smaller ones may be pushed aside and not get as much as the others.

You could also have a problem with a mosquito or black fly borne disease - young ducks don't have feathers to protect them from bites that can carry viruses.

If you can get them to a vet, I would, and in the meantime I would get food with water available to them 24/7. I would add either B complex (using 150 mg B3 as the dosage guide based on the plain niacin dosage) or plain niacin at 150 mg per gallon of water. Or, add brewer's yeast, three tablespoons a day for the whole bunch, mixed in with their food.

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