*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

I also ordered 17 Pekins that have since went to freezer camp. They were LOUD! Compared to the Pekins, these Runners are very very quiet. They quack softly to each other, and get loud once in awhile, but nothing like those Pekins. None of the 3 of the Runners have curly tail feathers. They all sound pretty much the same, none of them stand out quack-wise!

So when will they start to lay? Since it is going to be fall soon, will they wait until spring to start laying?

Thanks for the help!

Drakes sound really hoarse and raspy, ducks, even if they don't make much noise, sound more high-pitched and soft in their usual communication. Some drakes don't get curly feathers, by the way, so this is not always the most certain way to determine sex. You can expect your ducks to start laying soon, six months is not unusual for ducks. They should be starting laying as soon as their organism is ready for egg production, but they might stop laying when temperatures drop rapidly during winter.
I have two Indian runner ducklings that were given to me they are about 6 weeks old now , is it ok to leave them outside in a A-frame cage overnight now? They have been living in my bathroom under a heat lamp up until now, but, Im finding it hard to take them out everyday to get fresh air and sun as they are getting bigger and feisty making it difficult. They can see all the other ducks walking around them through the day and they have a little water bath they can dip into. Our winter is almost over and I am going to put a cover over the open part of there cage at night. What does everyone else do at this point?

Ducks don't need any external heat source from the age of three weeks on, especially when kept inside, so it is safe to move them outside now as long as long as it is no longer freezing.
Hey does anyone have or know of someone who has runner ducks for sale in west pa (i go up and down the west side of pa alot) or east ohio? adults or ducklings it does not matter. Thanks!
I have 2 questions. First I would like to know what my drakes are doing when they walk around with their heads tucked into their chest and their hair puffed out on their heads? I see all of them doing this at the same time and I have no idea what they are doing.
Second I want to know if my muscovy/ indian runner mix ducklings will quack or just chirp like my muscovy?
This is my first year raising chickens and ducks. I have 4 runners that I thought were all females. Today I learned that only one is female! I am worried the drakes are becoming too aggressive with her. What can I do? I read to keep a ratio of 3 females to one male. Will I need to find homes for 2 of my males?
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More girls, no girls, fewer boys are pretty much the option. Her life depends on you. Please don't assume she is okay if you are not certain.:hugs
I went and bought 10 female runners that will arrive in less than 2 weeks. I'll have to separate my female and only let her with the rest of the gang (30 chickens and 3 other ducks) while being supervised. I was told to keep the baby ducklings in the coop protected so that the others will be used to them. Does this sound OK?
Sounds fine. The ducklings will need to get some size on before introductions can be made. Letting them see each other from opposite sides of a fence works well. Congratulations, by the way!!!!
Sounds fine. The ducklings will need to get some size on before introductions can be made. Letting them see each other from opposite sides of a fence works well.  Congratulations, by the way!!!!
thank you! I was thinking I will have problems because winter us coming. Plus I've just added 10 ducks to my already large flock. I've heard it's bad to have more than one rooster and more than one Drake in the mix. I have 2 roosters with 27 hens and 3 drakes with 11 female runners. My coop is a square house about 20x18 or so with a run being about 20x40. Thinking of adding another housing unit inside the run for these ducks or to keep males in each house. Is that necessary?
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