*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

It depends on what is hidden under the white of your Pekin. But if it's a solid color... I notice that most of your runners are /and white. When crossing /and white (Runner gene) with /and white, the babies will show the full white Runner markings on the solid background color. The babies from your mallard and, probably your Pekin, will have less or no white, because they will have at most one /and white Runner gene. This is an uncertain way to tell, as you will be selling the babies from the mallard also, but if you add this to the suggestions above it gives you a bit more information to select out the ducklings you don't want.

Personally, when I choose to keep eggs for hatching, I segregate the hens at night to make sure I get the right eggs. The rest of the time, I put all my hens together and eat the eggs.
Thanks for the info. So far I am only getting whitish eggs and I don't even know if Mrs. Pekin is laying for sure. Mrs. Pekin would get separated only she'd get rather cold and I doubt I'd get sleep as she'd carry on all night (she's the sole survivor of a raccoon attack and is recovering from PTSD-- she's still pretty neurotic. Just finished stress molting a couple weeks ago.). My mallard is actually an indian runner with a mallard pattern- so no worries there! :) Everyone is purebred runner except for Mrs. Pekin. Luckily Mrs. Pekin's owner loves Pekin/runner crosses which is great as I don't want any!
I just need to weed them out. Perhaps I will look up Pekin color genetics.
Based on my 4 Runners and the 1 Pekin I had, I have never seen a runner lay an egg over 90g nor a Pekin lay one under 90g. That translates to 3.17 oz. I understand not all birds are the same, but in my flock runners lay 65-75g eggs and my Pekin was always over 100g (up to 130g double yolkers) but 102-110g was "normal".
Based on my 4 Runners and the 1 Pekin I had, I have never seen a runner lay an egg over 90g nor a Pekin lay one under 90g.  That translates to 3.17 oz.  I understand not all birds are the same, but in my flock runners lay 65-75g eggs and my Pekin was always over 100g (up to 130g double yolkers) but 102-110g was "normal".

I can't speak for Pekins, but those numbers are accurate for my Runners' eggs as well ^_^
Can't tell who laid the egg?

Hate to admit it, but I have a duck cam
Yes, one of those wi-fi gizmos from Home Depot.
Best thing ever.
Totally entertaining. Better than TV

I can tell who goes to which nest, if the light is not working in the palace etc...but mostly I got it so I can tell when they are in the pen at night so I can pull the string to close their palace gate.
The pen is too far for me to walk to especially in the rain and snow at night, so I have a 75 foot string attached to it and I pull the door shut from my deck

I only walk to the palace in the morning to let my royal ducks out. But it would identify the laying duck.
Based on my 4 Runners and the 1 Pekin I had, I have never seen a runner lay an egg over 90g nor a Pekin lay one under 90g. That translates to 3.17 oz. I understand not all birds are the same, but in my flock runners lay 65-75g eggs and my Pekin was always over 100g (up to 130g double yolkers) but 102-110g was "normal".
I am getting 1 egg a day roughly that is huge compared to the other egg (I only get 1-2 eggs/day right now). Both eggs are offwhite but the larger one is really long and the duck that lays it makes a huge mess of the nest box and sometimes flings the egg out of the box into the yard. So. . it probably does belong to the neurotic, klutzy Mrs. Pekin (not an insult, it's just an observation, you should see her run over the top of other ducks that get in her path). So. . I guess those eggs will be separated before lock down so I can band the mixed hatchlings (and many future eggs will become my breakfast).

I have no dislike of mixed ducks, however my ducks are used to train stockdogs so they need to be fit and able to move. Three year old Mrs Pekin can barely walk (had severe, chronic bumblefoot leaving large cysts on the balls of her feet) and is extremely neurotic-- I don't want any ducklings out of her for myself. I'm told she was "a bit loopy" before she developed PTSD (sole survivor of a coon massacre) so what will her ducklings act like? I had many Pekins as a child and Mrs. Pekin is definitely not a good example of a Pekin. Even her owner would be quite happy if I kept her instead of returning her to her farm in the spring although she wants her duckings.
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Haha I loved my pekin so much. She had horribly crooked legs that made her swagger like none other lol. It made her very catchable, and she would become nice and calm when we held her. And she was so gabby and talked back to us. I would so love the personality of a pekin in my flock again.
Can't tell who laid the egg?

Hate to admit it, but I have a duck cam
Yes, one of those wi-fi gizmos from Home Depot.
Best thing ever.
Totally entertaining. Better than TV

I can tell who goes to which nest, if the light is not working in the palace etc...but mostly I got it so I can tell when they are in the pen at night so I can pull the string to close their palace gate.
The pen is too far for me to walk to especially in the rain and snow at night, so I have a 75 foot string attached to it and I pull the door shut from my deck

I only walk to the palace in the morning to let my royal ducks out. But it would identify the laying duck.
OMG! I want a duck cam!
How much did it cost? Are they special outdoor waterproof ones or something? I am technologically incompetent.
Haha I loved my pekin so much. She had horribly crooked legs that made her swagger like none other lol. It made her very catchable, and she would become nice and calm when we held her. And she was so gabby and talked back to us. I would so love the personality of a pekin in my flock again.
Mrs. Pekin used to attack people. . . she's improved drastically since she joined my flock. Now she tries to evade capture (she uses her wings to help her walk faster-- like crutches?) and just gives me an annoyed look when I've picked her up. And an annoyed quack when I examine her for external parasites and check her feet. It's rather funny!

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