*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

If you don't find him tonight go out early in the morning he maybe in the yard. Good luck and I hope you find him.
Could something have flown in from above?

If the duckling was quite content, I would expect a return, but lots of things go after ducks.

Ask around the neighborhood . . . listen out. If you gave the duckling treats regularly, you might be able to use them to advantage.
Stupid question but: I have my enclosure mostly done (as in they can go outside now in the day time, but I couldn't leave them in at night) But...they don't particularly like me. They're fine as long as I'm not trying to grab them. :-( I tried to handle them as much as possible when they were younger. It just didn't seem to help any.  They are 3 and 2 weeks old today. And I feel that ship has sailed, unfortunately. I'd LOVE to take them outside in the daytime. They haven't even had their first swim yet! We took so long to get the enclosure up because the weather has been awful.  Basically, I don't want to stress them out anymore than I have to by corning them to take them back inside. Any suggestions?

When mine were still living in the brooder, I took them out by hand for swim or outdoor play time in a little exercise pen, then picked them up again to bring them inside. The picking up process never got less offensive; they always ran and fussed. I still did it, because exercise and swim time is important, and I soothed as many ruffled feathers as possible with treats from my hands afterward, but they never really figured out that only good things happened after being picked up. The stress of the handling always seemed pretty short lived (almost entirely in the moment) and I think the benefits outweighed the fussing, as bad as it feels to spook the little peepers.
My 2 month old Indian Runner duck ran away!

He was living in the chicken coop but had his own sleeping box. The chicken run is electric fence and the chickens don't escape, but apparently the duck was immune and must have slipped under the fence. He was in his sleeping box when I left for work and now he is gone

Is it possible he will return? I looked under all the bushes and all over the yard but didn't even hear quacking. He was too young to fly and I saw no sign of struggle or feathers, and it was broad daylight, so I am not thinking it was a predator.

Anyone have this happen? Any advice on getting him back?

Did you find him? I hope you did.
When mine were still living in the brooder, I took them out by hand for swim or outdoor play time in a little exercise pen, then picked them up again to bring them inside. The picking up process never got less offensive; they always ran and fussed. I still did it, because exercise and swim time is important, and I soothed as many ruffled feathers as possible with treats from my hands afterward, but they never really figured out that only good things happened after being picked up. The stress of the handling always seemed pretty short lived (almost entirely in the moment) and I think the benefits outweighed the fussing, as bad as it feels to spook the little peepers.

Thanks. That's pretty much what I'm going to have to do. I'm going to section off the enclosure so I don't have to chase them around when I need them back. The weather has been awful this weekend and this week so far. I'm hoping I can get them outside tomorrow, if not tomorrow then Thursday. They're totally fine as long as I'm not trying to grab them.
YES! The little bugger was under the back deck! I swear I looked under there yesterday and made multiple quacking noises with no response...yet this morning when I brought the dog out, I made the quacking noises again and sure enough, OJ (that's what we named him because he may have killed his wife but we were never able to prove it) came waddling out from under. He must just not have been ready for bed and was hiding silently.

That being said - it's disturbing that he is completely immune to the electric mesh fence!
We are not able to put up a permanent fence, and the electric fence has been effective for the chickens, but apparently ducks are different??

Anyone have any suggestions that do not involve permanently installed fencing??
I'm happy for you that you found OJ. Another lady had a duck missing and she went out first thing the morning and found her duck walking around. Maybe chicken wire around the bottom of the fence will stop him. They also make the portable dog runs but that would probably cost a fortune to put all around your pen.
My 2 month old Indian Runner duck ran away!

He was living in the chicken coop but had his own sleeping box. The chicken run is electric fence and the chickens don't escape, but apparently the duck was immune and must have slipped under the fence. He was in his sleeping box when I left for work and now he is gone

Is it possible he will return? I looked under all the bushes and all over the yard but didn't even hear quacking. He was too young to fly and I saw no sign of struggle or feathers, and it was broad daylight, so I am not thinking it was a predator.

Anyone have this happen? Any advice on getting him back?
Do you have any nearby water sources he might have gone too? You could set out some food for him and see if he comes.

Edited to add that I read the next page, glad you found him!
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Quote: To get the ducklings to come to you, make it fun to do so. Carry around treats (I use dog food or peas). Offer them the treat. At the start they may be reluctant, and you may have to throw the treat towards them (or let them get slightly hungry first). After they successfully earn a treat by coming towards you and by eating out of your hand, they will do so more and more often. Eventually they will run to you when they see you just to see if you have a treat. Note that picking them up and petting them might be a treat for you, but for some ducks is not something they actively want. So mine get a treat for coming towards me and another treat after they let me hold them. It makes both of us happy.

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