*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Our problem is that our run stays somewhat damp most of the time so we've never been able to put it on the floor. I've also read that it doesn't work when wet. I do know that it is supposed to cut down on mites and other parasites that may be living on the floor and if you also have chickens, it's good to mix it into their dust bathing area to get rid of mites.

As far as flies go though, we do have a problem with tons of flies. Last year though, a member, Amiga, recommended Spalding Fly Predators to help with flies. We bought them and we went from probably thousands of flies to a manageable amount in a matter of a couple of weeks. Those things work magic. Lol. They're these tiny little winged bugs that hatch and eat the fly larvae. They die in a month and you dont even notice they're there. We got a three month supply last year to get us through the hot months. You can get these from Spalding's website.

Also, just out of curiosity, are you using the crumble or pellet Dumor food? We started out with crumble and switched to pellets last year. As far as ducks go in our experience, there's less waste with the pellets. (I think you may have little ones though and the pellet is only available in layer). I was afraid ours would choke on the pellets and that's why I was so resistant to switching for a while after they were all on layer, but they do just fine with it in my experience. :)
I'm using the crumbles right now. My flock just turned 8 weeks yesterday. I don't have chickens but I might get a couple later on if I decide to have baby ducks.. that is if my runners don't want to get all broody. Thanks for the idea about taking out the fly population. I need to do somthing. We have had alot of rain. Now it's getting hot and things are drying out.
I think my runners are starting to change again. There are small feathers every where in there pen and pool.
I think, one of my runners (who don't really stand up but that's ok) is actually a Bali, because she is ALOT "chunkier" than my FW, and bigger.
Question!!!!!! Lol now that I have your attention! I have 4 pekin ducks Iam thinking about adding a new baby runner..will this cause problems? Can they all get along she will be female
Question!!!!!! Lol now that I have your attention! I have 4 pekin ducks Iam thinking about adding a new baby runner..will this cause problems? Can they all get along she will be female
When you say Pekin ducks do you mean female? because Pekins are a heavy breed Runners light so a Pekin drake mating with a Runner could be a problem because of size and weight. And adding any breed to an existing flock needs to be done very slowly to protect the new comer. Never put a duckling in with larger ducks either.

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