*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

Ugh! I know. I don't know of many people that want the males. Thanks for your response.
it is uncharted waters when we buy ducklings cuz we do not know what we are getting. we can buy from hatcheries that will sex them for us and then that is not always 100% correct, this happened to me. they did replace them for me but then i had more ducks... I have only been in love w/& keeping ducks for 2.5 yrs and i am still learning every day. I am trying to develop my flock to the ducks i enjoy and can use and this means i have lots of ducks that i dont necessarily need or want. i have sold lots of ducks but not drakes, so my drake ratio is climbing up, kwim? & i just have a hard time culling them!! take care, you will make the right choices for you and your family, i know you will.
Ugh! I know. I don't know of many people that want the males. Thanks for your response.
Hi... my compter is acting up... i typed this response 1x already, i will try it again..
I know you will make the right decisions for you and your family.
when i bought ducks from a hatchery i had them sexed and they got a few wrong, so they replaced them w/more ducks, so my flock is growing. when we buy from feed stores they do not sex them for us so we get what we get... kinda chancy and we just pray we get exactly the right balance of ducks and drakes. i am developing my flock to what i want, but this means i get drakes when i want ducks and colors that i was not trying for but are beautiful. having ducks is a learning process for me and a very expensive hobby. but i love them all and it is so difficult to pick and choose. i have sold quite a few ducks, but no one has bought a drake from me yet!! i dont think i could even give them away?? God seems to make for boys than girls? dont stress about it, just take your time and you will do what is right.
Can anyone help with colors of my ducks? They are nearing 3 months old. I am guessing the one in the back is fawn/white. What about the others?
i cant see the duck in the back... the ones in front look like a silver/mix and 2 blue swede colors and the one on the left looks like a black swede color. are these ducks mixes? they look like it to me? but i am not expert at all. i am new to ducks, 2.5yrs only having ducks. maybe a different pic could help us help you???
Hi... my compter is acting up... i typed this response 1x already, i will try it again..
I know you will make the right decisions for you and your family.
when i bought ducks from a hatchery i had them sexed and they got a few wrong, so they replaced them w/more ducks, so my flock is growing. when we buy from feed stores they do not sex them for us so we get what we get... kinda chancy and we just pray we get exactly the right balance of ducks and drakes. i am developing my flock to what i want, but this means i get drakes when i want ducks and colors that i was not trying for but are beautiful. having ducks is a learning process for me and a very expensive hobby. but i love them all and it is so difficult to pick and choose. i have sold quite a few ducks, but no one has bought a drake from me yet!! i dont think i could even give them away?? God seems to make for boys than girls? dont stress about it, just take your time and you will do what is right.

Can I ask which hatchery sexed them wrong? I know nobody's perfect, just trying to go with the hatchery that has the best odds at getting it right.
Got them about 2 years ago from holderreads Top SQ penciled stock.

They go through a weird color stage just before the moult where they look more like fawn and white from a distance, but get pretty again after the moult. The penciling still very much needs to be worked on, because you will get some with less than ideal penciling and others that are just outstanding. That was my experience with my origional starter flock from holderreads since then I have just been hatching hatching hatching and keeping the best marked individuals. Good luck you will love them.

Do you sell hatching eggs? I love my runners but, all of mine slouch over terribly, they are only pet quality. I have been looking for some that stand up better and get a show flock going.
Does anyone on here sell show stock runners? I love my runners and got my flock that I have now locally here in southern oregon from a local farm store. However mine slouch over terribly and I would love to get a "Show flock" going! I would most likely want to get hatching eggs because I have a feeling the birds would be too expensive, but i dont know. How much does good stock go for anyway? I have been looking all over the internet but so far none of my searches have came up with much. I am really just looking for some that look close to the standard " wine bottle" shape mine (although I love them to death) look like funky colored mallards that are more diagonal than vertical. If anyone could give me some more info on where i could find a source of show runners that would be great! I would love to get in touch with a breeder or enthusiast! Also i think they would have to be willing to ship as there is not much here in southern oregon.
Thanks in Advance,
My beautiful Runners are doing great,. This is 1 of 9 so precious.
I love this pic. i think she is trying to be Queen of the mountain. i love how she has her webbed feet on each side of the rock and she is standing on the rock w/such ease. ducks are so agile. my Ali is getting around the property so well, tonight i saw her in the duck house and 10 mins later she was up on the hillside, she is so precious to me.

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