*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

This Is MIKO now... Her name means beautiful child..
People are so cruel just throwing their animals out like that. I just dont understand it. I can see why you rescued her. She was a cutie--still is. :) Actually, one of our dogs was also a stray who was roaming the streets and we ended up with him. We weren't actually the ones who found him but the couple who did is up in age and couldn't handle a puppy so we took him in. Best decision too. I love my two furry boys and all my animals. :)
along with my 14 ducks. We have 4 dogs. 2 cats and one beta. Ya when we took her to the vet. He couldn't believe she got done like she did. She was starving, dehydrated and full of warms but she is a very happy dog now..
Did they ever go back to harmonious living after that or did you get rid of them soon after they started acting like this? We have 7 drakes together and one of them is a hormone machine (the KC). He's targeted one of the younger one year old WH drakes recently and won't leave him alone now. I don't want to rehome them because the KC would not be a very good breeding duck, although he is a very good caretaker of the females. He overmates them though and that's a problem.

I had the all drake flock for 3 years, yes KC drakes are NASTY! They are fine once mating season is done. Hard to believe those little KC boys are the meanest. Though I'm sure there are exceptions.
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the vet said she is Catahoula and Australia Sheppard. We found her 2 years ago in the hwy. She was only 4-5 weeks old. I couldn't help myself. She was following the cars that would pass her by and turn and go to the next. I just couldn't let her get ran over and my hubby was nice enough to let me keep her.
This Is a few days After We Got Her To Top HEALTH. Two years ago
Awww she's so cute!!!!!! Aussies are great dogs. I'm not familiar with Catahoulas but I'm sure they're great, too!

This Is MIKO now... Her name means beautiful child..
Wow she is beautiful! That's great that she protects the flock!

along with my 14 ducks. We have 4 dogs. 2 cats and one beta. Ya when we took her to the vet. He couldn't believe she got done like she did. She was starving, dehydrated and full of warms but she is a very happy dog now..
Poor dog! It's a good thing you rescued her!
How do I join the Runner Club. I own two runners--a blue and a white and tan they are 9 and 10 weeks old. I also own a Blue Swede and a Rouen female that will be 6 weeks tomorrow

. I can't believe how much fun I am having with my ducks. I built a great pen for them all.

Uuuggggghhhhh! All my girls started waiting until they were let out of the pen in the morning to lay their eggs around the yard, so I got some ceramic eggs to try to get the back to laying in their usual nests I'm their house. Now, Gwaine has apparently gone broody, and is spending a lot of her time on this nest of two ceramic eggs
I haven't caught her actually sitting, but she's obviously used a number of her own feathers to pad the nest, and she's in the house almost every time I go outside during the day. Weyoun also seems to be spending a lot of time in the house with her.

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