*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

this is my first time raising ducks. I haven23 weeks of experience
that is it. Some of it im playing by ear. I did have all my drakes separate from the ladys but one by one i put them back together. They are back to a stong and full flock. This might be foolish of me but i just fill they will settle down and the high Archie will start to show it self and the dominant drack will keep the other 5 in line. There was a bit of fighting yesterday with the drakes but nothing that is uncommon to see in a family. They all seem to be wanting to mate with the same girl. Little foot. Her picture is up above in previous post. Not sure why they want her so much. There are 8 females all together. They like the others but something about her. They gain up on her. I keep a close eye on ny girls. If I seem them getting hurt again i will separate the drakes again. I cant bring my self to get rid of some of the boys and there is no way i could end there life. They are family not live stock. My hubby wants to get me 20 female ducklings 200$ because they will be sexed before shipping but i just cant see adding more because soon i hope i will be driving the big truck with my hubby in a year and i will never be home.

Yes, left my flock together this morning as well. Just removed the boys for a bit as they were fighting with another guy. Good luck with trucking!
this is my first time raising ducks. I haven23 weeks of experience
that is it. Some of it im playing by ear. I did have all my drakes separate from the ladys but one by one i put them back together. They are back to a stong and full flock. This might be foolish of me but i just fill they will settle down and the high Archie will start to show it self and the dominant drack will keep the other 5 in line. There was a bit of fighting yesterday with the drakes but nothing that is uncommon to see in a family. They all seem to be wanting to mate with the same girl. Little foot. Her picture is up above in previous post. Not sure why they want her so much. There are 8 females all together. They like the others but something about her. They gain up on her. I keep a close eye on ny girls. If I seem them getting hurt again i will separate the drakes again. I cant bring my self to get rid of some of the boys and there is no way i could end there life. They are family not live stock. My hubby wants to get me 20 female ducklings 200$ because they will be sexed before shipping but i just cant see adding more because soon i hope i will be driving the big truck with my hubby in a year and i will never be home.

Boy, oh boy. I've had a time with mine this summer as well. I have three different breeds of males (7 drakes total) that are three different ages--3,2 and 1. I had to separate all drakes from females in the spring because they were causing them to prolapse a lot, but then they started fighting each other within the breeds. They were making each other bald and causing eye infections and a lot of stress. So I had to divide the drake pen into three different areas as much as I hated to do that. I decided at the beginning of this past week that I would try to reintegrate the drakes with each other since they have to be together by the winter due to water freezing issues and not enough heated buckets. Well, I let them all out together (drakes) and all but one mallard did okay. So I had to put him by himself. He kept trying to break the wing of one of my KCs. It was pretty bad.

The next day, the other drakes started fighting each other again. I noticed that the problem was two of my WH girls who were yelling at the boys. The boys were fighting to impress the girls. Whenever they would fight, the girls would cheer them on. Other times, they would call the boys to the fence and start yelling and pushing through, hitting them with their bills. So, two days ago, I decided to put a sheet up between the two areas when I saw them continuously cheering on the fights. They all hate the sheet and are trying everything to tear it down to see each other. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to rehome or kill them. They're my babies.

We got a new house for the flock (a beautiful 8'x10' resin shed with windows and a skylight) and spent 4 straight days putting in a nice level cinder blocks foundation with stairs, then assembling the shed on top of that, then renetting the whole pen overhead. Of course, the ducks are confused and offended by the new structure! Even with their dinner bowl inside, their relationship with the new house is... complicated.

We got a new house for the flock (a beautiful 8'x10' resin shed with windows and a skylight) and spent 4 straight days putting in a nice level cinder blocks foundation with stairs, then assembling the shed on top of that, then renetting the whole pen overhead. Of course, the ducks are confused and offended by the new structure! Even with their dinner bowl inside, their relationship with the new house is... complicated.
That is funny @AimToMisbehave Maybe some nice warm bedding will make them feel more at home their food bowl must have been trying toi bite them. .. I know mine sure don't like anything different. I forgot to turn the light on one evening for my Runners and Buffs to go inside [not even dark out] and they knew there was a boogie man in there waiting to pounce on them.
That is funny @AimToMisbehave
   Maybe some nice warm bedding will make them feel more at home  their food bowl must have been trying toi bite them. .. I know mine sure don't like anything different. I forgot to turn the light on one evening for my Runners and Buffs to go inside [not even dark out] and they knew there was a boogie man in there waiting to pounce on them.

Added some bedding today; the same white flakes I used in all their brooders. It was somehow EVEN SCARIER, and they just stood in the doorway fretting for five minutes

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