*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

I agree the moment of death is not indicative of what killed her.

I would make sure they have defrosted water at least twice a day (for a day or two) or at least three times a day (if longer than a day or two).

The heat lamp is also a good idea. Many factors affect a duck's ability to withstand cold. This includes shelter (windproof or not, straw to snuggle into vs. sandy floor) and food (ducks can eat twice as much in winter as in summer). Although I have not seen information on this, I would also expect body build to have an effect, with skinny runners possibly losing more heat than fatter ducks.

So sorry that you lost her. It is a hard thing when that happens.

My three indian runner hens started laying eggs. They started almost at the same tame, first there was one egg inside their coop, then a few days later, there were two and day after, three. From a bit irregular pointy shaped eggs, they turned out larger than chicken eggs in less than two weeks. Now, we have 3 eggs each morning. :)

At first the egg appeared on top of the hay in their duckhouse, exactly in the spot where I placed a ball to make them think about laying in that spot. They did! After a week, they started digging into the deep litter, and made a nest. Since it got really cold and I wanted them to have cleaner environment, I changed the hay in their house and they changed the position of their nest. At first they broke one egg, because they dug too deep and poor egg landed on a wooden floor. They changed nest position the next morning. smart creatures. I added some more hay so they can make larger nest, since all three use it at the same time.

How is it with nest sharing and ducks? If I would buy some fertilized duck eggs, I guess one of them with the most maternal instinct would get broody. Do they all go broody too and share the care for the developing eggs or does one fight others away when she starts taking care of the eggs? I still don't have a drake, so I've been thinking about getting them some fertilized eggs and try to make them go broody - since they share the nest, I guess it would be easy to get them like 10 or so eggs and one of them should became ready to do the required job. :)
I have just had a new addition to my runner family first one from my own eggs.
Ha all! I am planning to get 3 runners in late spring and am starting to prep. Currently have 6 chickens and am designing the upgraded coop for all 9 to be together. What are your shared coop tips? Overall size will be 6 ft x 4ft.
Ha all! I am planning to get 3 runners in late spring and am starting to prep. Currently have 6 chickens and am designing the upgraded coop for all 9 to be together. What are your shared coop tips? Overall size will be 6 ft x 4ft.
Are your Runners going to be adults or ducklings? Chickens aren't always the most accepting birds when it comes to newbies so integrating slowly with fencing in between would be best even if adults ducks. Of course ducklings will need to be kept brooded till feathered in unless you plan on having a heat source inside the coop your planning. Over winter My Runners spent their nights in with the chickens and Muscovies and all was well I made poop shelves under the roosts so the ducks wouldn't get pooped on. {They decided sleeping under the roosts was better than not for some reason. lol}
Now that breeding season has started I moved the Runners back into their own house because tempers were getting started and chickens were getting picked on. May not happen in all situations but it is here and since they have their own house anyway it wasn't a problem to move them back. So I guess best to try them all together watching to make sure the chickens accept them as part of the flock after initial introductions and hopefully it will work out for all. One thing to keep in mind though it isn't a good idea to put feed and water inside with ducks they make the biggest mess and your bedding won't stay very dry and that isn't so good with chickens.

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