*~*Runner Duck Club*~*

I was having lunch with friends today since my daughter was working. The plan was for me to be home by 4pm to cook turkey and roast vegies for a feast when my daughter got home. A massive storm hit Melbourne and I was so worries about my duckies- Especially Stevie- Ray my blind duck. With huge hail falling it did cover the ground almost looking like snow- I guess the closest we get here to having a white Christmas. Stevie- and the other ducks were fine. Tonight after their dinner they were treated to a 10 pound watermelon and some crepes with berries. It was so funny watching them in a feeding frenzy making sure they all got their fair share of the Christmas offerings. Of course now I have some ducks with some very pink feathers around their faces and neck.








I can't take credit for anything except hatching and raising these 4 beautiful Runners. I got the eggs from gofasterstripe (Nicky). I have one boy and 3 girls and love them to pieces. I have other Runners but these 4 are my babies and I love showing them off. Mama Muscovy thinks she is the best mama duck ever but she is just there to keep them calm. Huggs is a great Muscovy and shows them what to eat and where to find stuff and leads them to bed every night. I love watching these 4 gorgeous Runner ducks though and Runners are my first and favorite love of ducks.
I have my others on my website and plan to put some in breeding in another month or so. Right now most everyone is free ranging together.

I sure enjoy this thread! Thanks for starting it! And thanks for adding to it.

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