runny nose and watery eyes


9 Years
Apr 25, 2013
a few of my chickens have a runny nose and watery eyes. is this a head cold? is there anything that could help?
Chickens don't get simple colds like people do. They get poultry respiratory diseases. You just need to watch them carefully, if it progresses to coughing, wheezing or rattling breathing then you would do best to put them on antibiotics. They usually can recover from the various diseases but pneumonia is a common complication and often is what kills them.

Chickens can also react with similar symptoms to allergens and dust in their environment as well as fungus.
Resptary issues are common throughout flocks.. I would look up some similar threads.. Just keep an eye on them.. If you see them start wearing or nose or eye discharge, get some electrolytes that dissolve in water.. They are at the feed store also their are various dissolvable antibiotics for respiratory issues.. Look up some foods that will books their immune system.. Boiled eggs are one that I know of,, just cutting it up so it does not have the egg shape ... Lol.. Well I know how it feels.. I am very new to this.. Last week I thought my Easter egger had a respiratory issue and lost sleep over it.. It turns out the little bugger had cracked corn stuck in her throat.. Well I truly wish you luck and your flock will be fine!!
I checked on them today and it looks like it cleared up.
they had me felt like a ton been lifted off my shoulders.

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