Runt chick, slow grower, or bantam?


5 Years
Apr 29, 2015
Hi, this is my first post here!

We've have 10 chicks of a few different breeds. Eight of them are 3 weeks old and the other two are 2 weeks old. One of the 2 week old Easter Eggers doesn't seem to be maturing much at all. It is slightly larger than when we got it, but it is not feathering out and is tiny compared to the other chicks. It seems healthy- eating, drinking, and zooming around. It isn't getting picked on either. I think it is healthy, so that isn't really my concern. I'm more wondering if we ended up with a bantam instead of a regular Easter Egger or if it just some kind of runt. Could it possibly be a different slow growing breed?

The tiny one is the second from the left (obviously)... The other Easter Egger the same age is the one facing to the right.

Here's a closeup of the 'baby'.
Looks like a bantam to me. But it should be getting its wing feathers by now

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