Runt Ranger help


Premium Feather Member
Nov 7, 2022
I bought a group of 5 unsexed Rudd Rangers this spring. The current plan is to raise the 2 boys for meat and keep the girls for my breeding project. I may end up eating them all, since my flock free ranges. We'll see.

One of the 2 boys has an odd deformity below his vent and isn't growing nearly as fast as his brother.

They are currently in a mixed flock of Rangers and Buckeyes. Would it be better to isolate the two boys now, and feed them separately? What can I do to help the runt grow better?
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Can you post pics of the deformity?

And I have found canned fish and canned cat food is a great way to give them a protein boost. In canned fish, I think sardines, tuna, mackerel, or salmon packed in WATER are best. Less fat, and sometimes less sodium that way as well.
Someone suggested it might be a hernia, but it has feathers on it so obviously not an open hernia if so. The vent itself looks fine but poop gets caught on the protrusion.



Someone suggested it might be a hernia, but it has feathers on it so obviously not an open hernia if so. The vent itself looks fine but poop gets caught on the protrusion.

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Hmm. Poor guy. I really don't know what that is, although I'm no expert in chicken ailments.

I would def supplement them with the aforementioned protein though to encourage growth. I don't think you need to separate anyone, unless you think what this boy has could be contagious. Extra protein will be fine for both the guys and gals. Just monitor stool for runniness because some can be more sensitive to high protein, but otherwise you should be fine.

Keep us updated on the boy. I'm interested to see if that bump goes away and of he catches up to the others' growth.
Separating is primarily to give the others more room. Their shelter is just about right for layer chicks, but the way these Rangers are growing it's way too small.
Could the "bumb" be his tail? Could this chick have wry tail? You might investigate that condition and see what you turn up. I have a hen with wry tail (my profile pic). She lays eggs great, but she looks rumpless. She has 5 feathers that randomly protrude from somewhere on her rear end, and no typical chicken tail at all. Whatever it turns out to be, don't breed that chicken. Good luck sorting it out!
The bump is below his vent. He does have a normal tail above the vent. I'll look up wry tail.

I don’t intend to breed him.
His tail is twisted slightly to the side. I hadn't noticed that before. I'll let Hoovers know so they can pass the information to their breeder.

Although I doubt they care, since these are meat birds rather than exhibition birds.
His tail is tisted slightly to the side. I hadn't noticed that before. I'll let Hoovers know so they can pass the information to their breeder.

Although I doubt they care, since these are meat birds rather than exhibition birds.
birds bred for meat tend to have worse genetics overall.

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