Russian Orloffs

Very pretty birds.I have some eggs on the way and I'm excited about hatching them.
I have a friend who raises Orloffs and she says that they will lay quite well for about a year, then they start going broody, and are very persistent about it. She's been trying to talk me into getting some, but so far I haven't succumbed (I think they are neat, just don't have room for all the breeds I'd like to try).

I would like to have some orloffs and some salmon favorelle's standard size if anyone can send me some info on where I could find some that would be great. Somewhere close to me would be nice. I live in mid Mo. Thanks:)
Has anyone ordered Russian Orloffs from Sandhill Preservation Center, I need more chickens for my order and wondering if anyone knew their quality.


So glad I stumbled upon this thread! My local farm center is getting in some orloff chicks next Friday and I'm thinking of picking a couple up. I haven't been able to find a whole lot of information ...but love the pic posted..they look super cute! I'm concerned about how much the laying will drop off, and the broodiness...but other then that they might be fun to try.

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