Rx for Mites


13 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Northern Kentucky
I am not sure that this is related, but my rooster had mites all over, including his face. None of my other chickens have them.

He was given two normal doses of ivermectin, and no longer has the mites, but he is still walking like he is in a stupor.

i thought that once the mites were gone, his walking would become better. Do you think this is mite related? Could a vitamin deficiency from the mites cause this?
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated Thanks
Did he have scaly leg mites as well? Pictures of his legs and feet might be helpful. Do you check regularly for the mites? Are you treating him at 7 day intervals, along withtreating your coop after removing bedding? Mites are hepard to get rid of completely. There are scaly laeg mites, scaly face mites (more rare,) as well as body mites. What dosage and kind of ivermectin have you used?

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