S F Meat Rabbit vs Cal/NZ Meat Rabbit Grow Out

Are your does standing for them and they are not getting it done right? Are the bucks young and or inexpierienced? With new bucks or does that aren't receptive, I will bring them to the buck every few hours or at least three times a day, this seems to get females to the point of breeding and gives bucks more 'practice' whenever have done this the job gets done within a few days time.
One doe stood, but her rear end was tucked under, I left her in for the rest of the day; the buck was trying, but I don't know if he succeeded.

The other two were just growling up a storm so I took them out.
When my Does growl that means that are breed and want out. My rabbits will breed year around. I try not to breed them during the really cold times here because I don't want to lose any kits to the cold.
Have you checked the weight on your rabbits? They might be carring to much fat to breed properly. Take your hands and go over every square inch of the rabbits body. Are they nice and plump or can you feel the bones and outline of the rabbits. I have found that the show lines tend to be too fat and need to go on a diet before they can breed like rabbits....
I'm positive the two that WERE growling AREN'T pregnant. Should I just put them together and leave them for like a week? Nothing else seems to be working, I tried putting her in for 30 minutes staying and watching several times a day. It's like the does want nothing to do with the bucks.

I don't think they are too fat, there aren't any jelly rolls or anything, they feel firm, but I guess it could be possible, they do eat A LOT, I will try reducing their feed for a while.
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Rabbits have the ability to hide a lot of their fat internally, so it may not be immediately apparent if they are too fat. It would probably be a good idea to restrict their food if they have been formerly free fed.

As to the growling, it seems like sometimes being around a buck can throw a doe into heat, even if she isn't already in. I would try each day until they appear to have successfully mated.
My bucks are happy to breed year round, but I've noticed a big drop in fertility in the late fall and early winter--does not taking at all and smaller litters. I've had that happen when it gets really hot in the summer too, but we don't get too much of that here in the PNW.

I kept some does and a buck in wire cages , hung by wire in front and the backs fastened to the walls , in a shed with a southern window but added lights on a timer to extend their days in the winter . I had nice fertility , litter size , and I think they even grew faster but didn't document it .
We use to force breed ours, by holding up their rear ends for the buck.
Some does just get cranky and need to be helped along.

ETA: We only done this on rare occainions when the doe went too long between litters. And sometimes that wouldn't work, just depends on the doe.
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The rule of thumb for meat rabbits is 1oz dry pellets for every pound of weight. A 8 lbs rabbits will get 8oz of feed. that is not the same as a cup. The cup I use is 6oz of dry feed. If they are firm all over I would say yes they are fat. You might try cutting back their feed for a week and then try taking the doe to the buck again.

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