S F Meat Rabbit vs Cal/NZ Meat Rabbit Grow Out

I tried all three does again today and WHOO HOO one got done! She was growling and running away but eventually she stopped in the corner and the buck hopped on and did his deed like 5 times, it was SO funny he would grunt then literally fall off! LoL...

The rule of thumb for meat rabbits is 1oz dry pellets for every pound of weight. A 8 lbs rabbits will get 8oz of feed. that is not the same as a cup. The cup I use is 6oz of dry feed. If they are firm all over I would say yes they are fat. You might try cutting back their feed for a week and then try taking the doe to the buck again.

Not to highjack this thread but since it is getting lots of views Ihave to ask. I have been doing rabbits for about 3 years. For the first time, my NZ white, had 3 or 4 litters last year all 9 kits, pulled fur, then packed it last night so I knew today I would have the babies. Checked before leaving for work and she destroyed the nest. All fur mixed in with hay and ONE kit on the wire floor. Thought was dead was not. Tried to make the nest back and put back it. I will see what happens when I get home. Question is, has anyone seen this. Could she have done this under strees for some reason? Have not changed anything so I do not see stress. Could she have know something was wrong or just did not want to care for one babie so she was going to let it die?

She probably gave birth on the wire floor. One of mine gave birth to one in her loo and one in another corner and the bulk on the other side of the cage -- and this was an experienced doe, I just put it down to random accident.

Or it could be that she fed it and it latched on and if she has sore mammaries, that can be uncomfortable so when they latch they hurt the doe and she wants to leave, check all her belly to make sure there is nothing inflamed or hardened, also look at her nipples to make sure they are all as they should be. Sometimes the kit just doesn't let go and is carried out anyway. Just rebuild the nest and pop it back. You can always take the kits out and return them in the morning and evening for feeding.

If she only had one kit, it may well be that she is at the end of her motherhood years. I have one such doe currently on her very last litter before retirement -- she went from 14 kits to 6 last litter, and this morning she produced only 2. She is 2 years old ad her sister just had 8 babies (down from consistent 10).
She probably gave birth on the wire floor. One of mine gave birth to one in her loo and one in another corner and the bulk on the other side of the cage -- and this was an experienced doe, I just put it down to random accident.

Or it could be that she fed it and it latched on and if she has sore mammaries, that can be uncomfortable so when they latch they hurt the doe and she wants to leave, check all her belly to make sure there is nothing inflamed or hardened, also look at her nipples to make sure they are all as they should be. Sometimes the kit just doesn't let go and is carried out anyway. Just rebuild the nest and pop it back. You can always take the kits out and return them in the morning and evening for feeding.

If she only had one kit, it may well be that she is at the end of her motherhood years. I have one such doe currently on her very last litter before retirement -- she went from 14 kits to 6 last litter, and this morning she produced only 2. She is 2 years old ad her sister just had 8 babies (down from consistent 10).

She is abut 1.5 years old. We put the kit back in and she took it out and it has since died. I think something was wrong and she knew it and did not want it. I will breed again in 4 weeks and see what happens.
Why are you waiting four weeks to breed her? If she were mine I would breed her now. And if she pulled that stunt again she would find herself in a 325 degree oven with a can of cream of mushroom soup, some cut up potatoes, and some frozen peas for an hour or so. Sure cure.
I agree, I would rebreed her now. Not wait 4 weeks. Unless of course you have a good reason you are waiting 4 weeks.
WhiteMountain - congrats I would say the doe is going to be a mama!!!!
Kind of a different question. With winter coming up, thinking of letting my does take a break (they have been having litters aggresively) for the winter. Do you just put them on a small diet, let them recoup and start again in spring? I've read where a doe after a few months "off" won't take to the buck.
I give mine a break during the cold weather because they are outside in hutches. I don't have a problem in the Spring getting them to mate.
Ok, I was going to wait 4 weeks to give her a break. I bread her about 2 months ago, and did not take, Rebread this time and she had the one. NOW...the interesteing one. I am glad I did not rebreed her the same day. I left the nestboxing box in the pen. When I got home later that night, new nest, new fure and 8 babies. All doing fine. I have heard about rabbits being breed up one side and down the other but one set never takes. I never looked into this as it sounded crazy. Now I am wonering if it is true and that is why she killed the first one becasue she new she was having more.

any thoughts.

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