Sad, bought a bad batch of eggs, wont again

Good advice, but also actually read the feedback because shipping eggs and shipping books or whatever else is a totally different thing.

They may be really good shipping all kinds of things and not have a clue how to ship eggs.
The eggs were packaged great, I actually experimented with a few of my chickens eggs, I put them in the same type of carton, rewrapped them like hers, and stuck them back in the box. Taped it, stuck it outside in the cold. I left it outside for two days and nights, no sun on the area, put it on my porch for a couple of hours and reopened. Not one egg froze and the carton was dry. No condensation. I used all of her packaging and everything. (just new cartons) I retried with a couple of refrigerated eggs, BINGO!!! Same experiment, soggy cartons. I think she had an abundance in her fridge and sold them to me.

I also dropped, kicked and threw the box a few times for good measure. No breakage (having read so much about broken eggs coming thru the mail, had to know if they broke that easily, I probably ruptured the sacks, but nothing broke. This was severe mishandling though) I just wanted to share the results of this though.

Thanks for the support. I might try again, but you can surely understand my caution now. I cant e mail her again, her account does not exist anymore. I dont see her selling any eggs either, maybe she fleeced a bunch of people and ran while she could. Thanks guys, everyone has been great on here.

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