Sad news, it's gonna be a rough year

Oh dear it looks like you need a hug!! It's okay I have a spare one just for this occasion:

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Tala, I'm so sorry to hear of your mother's diagnosis. I lost an uncle to ALS several years ago, and one of my brother's oldest friends is fighting it, now. There may be no cure for this disease right now, but there ARE therapies to slow down its progression.

for you, your mom and your family.
Tala I'm so sorry and you have been added to our prayers. Please check with your local Area Agency on Aging, they offer respite care and other services for aged/disabled and offer great referral programs and other services as well. Bring in all the help you can....I'm glad you have a sibling who can help...God bless and hold you tight!
So sorry to hear that, Tala. I'm praying for your momma, your sisters and you. May God show you some comfort.
Mom went to the doctor today for more tests, presumably to confirm the diagnosis. Some kind of test where they stick needles in and measure muscle responses, I'm not real sure the details on it. It was at 2.30 and she hadn't gotten home when I got off work at 5.30. Dad went with her, hopefully they went out to eat or something afterward, or else the test took a lot more time than I expected. Maybe there'll be news later tonight.
I didn't read any other posts.. but i wanted to offer my hugs to you during this time
. It's really hard to watch a parent dying. I am not going to sugar coat it since there is no sugar coating it. my dad didn't "need" constant care, but, he did need someone there in case something happened.. so he stayed with my brother and his wife, since she didnt' work.. she took care of him. all his medical appointments, his medicare/medicaid(whatever he was on) the Veterans Assistance, food stamps, all his medication. She made sure he was taken care of. It might sound harsh, but watching him suffer... id almost have wished him to just pass away quickly. I loved my dad dearly. and id do anything to get him back but, he was in so much pain, that it was best that he did pass. it was only getting worse.

There are many people on this site who have lost loved ones, many of which you can talk to about it. It's not an easy process to deal with. I know that it's hard. If you ever need to chat, just pm me

Take the time you can with her, you won't regret it.. no matter how hard it might get. take a lot of pictures while you can. take a family portrait so you have something to remember. I wished id done it sooner. I never got my chance to take the portrait in the studio. by the time i had thought of it.. he passed away that weekend. id already bought his shirt. I had to take it back.. it was too hard to look at. I missed my chance.

I'm praying for your family not to suffer too much during this difficult time.
I am so sorry
I have never heard of this before until now, and I can not believe something so bad exists. I am praying for you and your family, I only wish they come back and say it was misdiagnosed.

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