Sad news

I join with the other here to say how sorry I am over the death of your duck. This has happened to many of us - me, too (death of chickekns) and all I could do was cry, like you. It is not easy to lose a pet, but you know you did your very best for him and he died in peace. You are to be commended for your hard work to aid his recovery.
I know exactly how you feel and it has happened to me several times for rescue mallard ducklings...
It never gets easier when it happens again.

Know that you did your best to save your baby and even though you miss him, he is in a better place and not suffering.
I'm so sorry! It sounds like you did all you could do for him, and I'm sure he was a wonderful ducky. Hold on to the memories! Hold on to the pictures, the videos, and maybe even a feather. I have two black feathers on my desk, and they help me to remember.. Again, I'm very sorry for your loss

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