Sad news


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 9, 2010
Southern TN
I am very sad to be writing this and actually feel a little silly crying as I do so, but our very first rooster died on Friday. He was only 1 1/2. The heat got to be too much for him and took its toll. We tried to save him (even took him to the vet) and he did rally before he passed. We started to get excited by his improvement, but the internal damage was just too great. We will miss him so much. He was a great and beautiful roo! He loved his ladies and was always the gentleman.
I'm so sorry. And its OK to cry. Not silly at all. As a matter of fact, I think alot of people who care like that. I wish there were more of us...
Sorry to hear about your loss PaintedDreams. It's amazing how attached you can get them in such a short time. He must have been a good bird. Hang in there.
I don't look forward to losing one...I'm sorry! They bring us so much joy!! It's not silly at all to feel a loss and miss them.

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