Sad. Two of our six baby chicks have died


So sorry to hear about your chicks.
Please remember that raising animals is good for kids. I know your children (and you!) are upset right now, but this is a healthy reaction and a lesson about life. What you're doing is a good thing and your children are learning a lot from it.
Hang in there!
Sorry you lost some. that first week I was a nervous wreck worrying about the chicks. We only lost one but it was rough on all of us. Hang in there!
Ole Roster, Sad to hear about your chicks.

I was suspecting that one of the two chicks that died was blind since she pecked just like the other chicks but never seemed to get and mash.

It's interesting who baby chicks really do seem to team up. The four we have made seem to do everything in pairs now. The bigger RIR has paired up with the smallest Opington They are both roosting close together. It's really sweet.
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So sorry to hear about your chicks.
Please remember that raising animals is good for kids. I know your children (and you!) are upset right now, but this is a healthy reaction and a lesson about life. What you're doing is a good thing and your children are learning a lot from it.
Hang in there!
Our bio kids are vegetarians who rescue earthworms from rain puddles....Our youngest two are adopted and their bio parents "sacrificed" chickens and also goats and sheep as part of their insane home grown version of Judaism, so I was honestly surprised at how up set my12 year old was (and still is) considering what he's seen. I made him a counseling appointment.
Thank you for the post and I'm very sorry about your chicks. I think I will warn my kids that its a possibility and its all a part of nature.
Seeing something so small die hits a lot of people really hard. If your son is a sensitive sort, he will probably take this harder than others. Give him time and make sure you talk to him about it. Don't bury it. He may always take the natural death of something hard. Natural death is different, IMO, than a death that is planned for a purpose (such as a culling for food).
Seeing something so small die hits a lot of people really hard. If your son is a sensitive sort, he will probably take this harder than others. Give him time and make sure you talk to him about it. Don't bury it. He may always take the natural death of something hard. Natural death is different, IMO, than a death that is planned for a purpose (such as a culling for food).

Aaron asked if we would get him a chick to replace the one that died. We picked up a Marans today, she was hatched on 4/4, the same day as the four we alrady have. He never checks the brooder so I think I will wait a few days before I her show her to him.
Hello fellow Oregonian neighbor, sorry to hear about the chick losses. I hope the new chick lifts the spirits. The little peepers certainly have a way to your heart strings, especially when you have a smaller flock. We only got 4 and I think all 3 of us would take a loss at this point pretty hard.

Oh BTW glad your able to have chickens now, I remember a few years back Salem was anti chickens for some reason. Luckily leveler heads prevailed and they signed on for the back yard chickens. Really they are less noisy then most dogs.

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