Saddle feathers not growing back

Oct 14, 2019
Hello! I have four chickens, and this last winter, three of them molted off their back/saddle feathers. To keep them warm, I gave them aprons which they wore all winter, but when I took them off in spring, the feathers were still missing.

I haven't observed any feather picking between them, but now it's early summer and there isn't so much as pin feathers on the bald spots. They're all different kinds of hens, too (RRR, red star and Australorp) We also have a black star, but she grew back her molted feathers.

Is is normal for it to take this long, or could it be something like bugs? They also haven't been laying a ton, we usually only get one or two eggs a day, while last summer we got three or four. (Granted, one is broody at the moment, but we still weren't getting many eggs even before that)
I'm thinking the black star might be pecking at the pin feathers.
I had this issue with my flock after their first molt. They pulled each other's pin feathers out, so their backs stayed bald.
I put some pine tar on the bald spots (chickens hate the taste), and the feathers grew back.
I'm thinking the black star might be pecking at the pin feathers.
I had this issue with my flock after their first molt. They pulled each other's pin feathers out, so their backs stayed bald.
I put some pine tar on the bald spots (chickens hate the taste), and the feathers grew back.
I had wondered about this, but all through winter their backs were covered, and she's broody currently so she doesn't have the opportunity to much. I've never seen her bite the others, either
Just keep the saddles on, they will molt eventually and the feathers will come back.
I'm thinking the black star might be pecking at the pin feathers.
I had this issue with my flock after their first molt. They pulled each other's pin feathers out, so their backs stayed bald.
I put some pine tar on the bald spots (chickens hate the taste), and the feathers grew back.
where do you buy pine tar ? Id like to try that

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