Saddle feathers?

OK, you guys are confusing me here, (chicken newbie, LOL) This still holding true either way:
So if they have saddle feathers that hang down to the sides and look all "skirty" they're a roo for sure? Regardless of breed?​
Not sure what you mean by a skirt, but I believe this will help to understand.

In the diagram of the rooster the feathers labeled as saddle feathers, by "skirty" I was reffering to how they flow downward, almost like a skirt.
so some breeds both roosters and hens have hen-like saddle feathers? is that what that means?

if so, which breeds do?
so some breeds both roosters and hens have hen-like saddle feathers? is that what that means?

if so, which breeds do?

Sebrights are one. This is my rooster. Not exhibition quality, but he does have the required hen-feathering.

Sebrights are an example of a breed that is hen-feathered.

Hen-feathering means that males lack the "male" feathering. Instead, they have the feathering of the female. No pointed feathers in the hackle and saddle areas, no curved sickle feathers...
ahhh, thank you! this is all coming together and making more sense now...

BTW, what a beautiful rooster!!!

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