Saddleback Pomeranians hatching


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
I am really excited. My Saddleback Poms we raised this past year (hatched in Feb. 09) have been some of the best geese we have ever raised. Not only are they not as loud as other breeds but we have no aggression issues & they are so friendly. I was also amazed that they layed so well this year. I know many of you say not to allow multiple birds to set together but we have 4 geese all setting on their own nests all inside a large Igloo doghouse. I have been anxious over the possibility of the goslings getting smashed - but as of yesterday evening - one of the geese are hatching & so far there has been no issue of harm to the goslings - maybe because each goose has her own "nest" of eggs with a few inches between her & the next one! I tried to get a pic but the doghouse is too dark for my cell to get a pic you can "see". I am so excited that these geese have done so well & God help us if all the eggs hatch! From what I have been able to see when the girls come off nest to eat/drink - there must be around 60 eggs in there (about 15 in each nest).
FYI - they all free range & the doghouses (2 of them) are there for shelter if they want them. I was surprised they began laying in them rather than in the shrubs. Once several began laying in there, I added lots of hay & continued to do so while they were setting (or rather I placed the hay at the entrance & they took it in the house) so they could keep their individual nest built. Funny Funny geese!

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