safe to eat?


12 Years
Aug 21, 2009
Belding Michigan
DH and some friends did some meat birds today does this look like broken blood vessels? And is it safe to eat
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How did you kill them? Did you cut their throat and let them run around? This will bruise the meat. This is why it's not the best to let them run after the cut/chop is made.
How did you kill them? Did you cut their throat and let them run around? This will bruise the meat. This is why it's not the best to let them run after the cut/chop is made.

Yes I think they did let them run around after they cut the heads, then they hung them by the feet. Thank you, think it is ok to eat?. I froe them, perhaps after they thaw and sit for a while they will look better
IMHO, the blood and bruising will not make it unsafe, just lest attractive and may alert the taste slightly. Many hunters eat small game and even large game without immediate bleed out, and wild birds are bruised when they fall to the ground.

There should be no danger in eating the meat of these birds.
I wouldn't have any problem eating them myself. Next time you slaughter your chickens, if you don't have killing cones, hang the live chickens from the clothes line and cut the throat. Don't let them run free and you won't have the bruised meat problem. If you are going to do this on a yearly basis or more than once per year, you might want to think about putting in a couple fence posts with a 2x2 across the tops. You can make a killing cone or purchase some. I personally welded together a movable frame that I mounted 3 cones to. I also hung a plastic pail from a piece of clothes hanger just below the cone. This way, when the throat is cut, I hang the pail on the wire hook and the birds head hangs into the bucket, to which I've added an inch of water, to bleed out. The reason for the bucket is to reduce the amount of flies and hornets which can make a pest of themselves if you have blood flying everywhere.
Thank you for your input, I think we will eat them, and not worry.

when DH and I did birds a coupe yrs ago, we cut the heads off and held them still till the flapping stopped then hung them on the cloths line for 10 min or so. I like the bucket idea, with the water that sounds very helpful, as we did have flies when it was hot out

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