Safety vs freedom

Im all about the freedom. Ive got over 60 birds around here that free range whenever they want. I dont even close their coop door most nights. We have hawks, coons, snakes, coyotes and other predators on the farm. Odd thing is I haven't seen a one on my lot. Not as much as a sign. Its like im in a protective bubble and I consider myself lucky. The only thing I have lost are 2 ducks. Im not for sure what happened with them. No signs of an attack. I think they went looking for their sister I sold. Im sure that one day something will get at least on of my ladies and im prepared, I think you need to be if you free range regardless of how many you have or how long you let them out.
Mine "free range" in their chicken yard of about 3,000 sq ft and they have plenty of cover that they are usually under or near. So they stay pretty safe with their cover. They go out on the acreage in the evening. Interestingly, they prefer their watered yard over the acreage in this heat/drought. We have no bugs or insects for them on the acreage...none this year. And the ground out there is hard as rock...literally.
Most of my birds are tractored. They don't get to run free all over the property, but they are safe and they get fresh pasture every day when I move their tractors.

My oldest birds are in a fixed yard. Naturally it's all bare sand inside, but when I am at home and can keep an eye on things I let them out. This time of year they typically get a couple of hours or more free-range time. And every once in a while I'll lose one. Can't much be helped living in the country as I do.

Much of life is a compromise. It's pretty rare we ever get things exactly the way we want them.
Try firing a few bottle rockets up at them and they leave as the loud POP startles them. Really it works unless you are in a State where they are prohibited, but still better than killing which is strictly prohibited right?

Just put the stick in bottle aim at them and let it rip, kind of fun too

edited cause I can't spell....
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I really lean towards freedom, although I believe each situation is unique. I'm lucky enough to be out in the country, surrounded by a little over six acres of woods. My hens have a nice hen house and enclosed, covered chicken run, but I let them free range daily, sometimes all day long.

In the three years I've been raising chickens, I've lost just three. One a year, and it's always been a hawk. Had a close call this year, when the neighbor's dog ran over and grabbed a hen, but she just lost some feathers.

All my chickens are very important, but I just feel they lead a happier, fuller life when they get to free range. They just love it! I've noticed that the hawks usually are seen around noon. So if I see some hawks, I will keep them penned in their run until 5pm or so. I haven't seen any hawks after work.

They all come home to roost at night, and I do secure the coop and run each evening, to keep the night time predators from having a chicken snack!
Ya know, that's probably one of the better idea's I've read for dealing with hawks.

Course, I think the same laws that prohibit killing said hawks also say you can't harrass them, but while I won't kill a hawk for being a hawk, I don't have a problem chasing them off and the bottle rocket idea might work well.

Don't burn up the pasture or barn with it though....
We have large pens and all bantams and they are happy in their pens. We let them out only with supervision, and we have a fox that has been cruising our yard at dusk sizing them up for dinner. We also have hawks. We don't have a lot of chickens (21) and I don't want to lose them.

deb g
Ya know, that's probably one of the better idea's I've read for dealing with hawks.

Course, I think the same laws that prohibit killing said hawks also say you can't harrass them, but while I won't kill a hawk for being a hawk, I don't have a problem chasing them off and the bottle rocket idea might work well.

Don't burn up the pasture or barn with it though....

You aren't harassing hawks you are enjoying a fireworks display!
Thank you...but THEY are doing great! The two roos I have had right along are very good sky watchers!Also,I should say that someone is generally home all the time...though not necessarily outside.I think my yard is really good for chickens too....just the way it's layed out,how much cover choices they have etc...or our predators here are REALLY dumb
But I keep hoping it stays this way...but the more I add,the more temptation is there.I have a feeling if I do lose some it will be during fall/winter when there is so little cover...
I have the same problem. My flock is small (17 chickens) and my property is tiny, but it is adjacent to huge woods which I basically consider my backyard. Right now they are about four months old, and I feel sorry cooping them up in the run. However, I've been letting them out in the evenings - and I already lost four, yesterday another one. So yeah, any help? And I don't even know who it is, is it a hawk or a raccoon (we have lots of them) or a coyote or fox (which I've never seen, but they're elusive and they might be here.)

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