Sally's GF3 thread

I checked on the flower seeds I planted in the green house 8 days ago. Nope, nothing doing. The purple coneflower might be up in a few days to a week, but the New England Aster takes 21-45 (!) days to sprout.

The warm weather we had the first half of the month spoiled me. Warm spells like that always do. I'm glad for the cool down for the safety of the fruit crops, but today was a bit of a misery, staying indoors.

Tomorrow I'll be out and about, chiropractor appointment and a Costco run. Sunshine would be welcome. Hint, hint, Mother Nature....

I think I need some dirt therapy!
:thumbsupView attachment 3776356
...and the basement pantry is done! :yesss: A good use of the wasted space under the stairs. The other side is a mirror image.

The basement gets cold, but doesn't freeze. All the canned tomatoes, salsa, applesauce and jam can sit down there. The white boxes on the floor hold 15 empty quart canning jars.

Tomorrow is chiropractor day, and also a visit to Costco. I'll be adding a few things to the pantry!
Good craftsmanship.:thumbsup
So. Many. Eggs. on the counter. I just put 18 into waterglassing solution. I didn't have time to make a frittata today, and the egg skelter was full. :) Too much of a good thing is... a nice thing to have.
I've been hard-boiling the oldest, and putting the best in pickling solution. The ones I dropped into the pickled beets brine came out pretty and taste great!

Yesterday. Most of it has melted.

We did NOT get down to 18 last night; 25 is what I saw on the front porch. MUCH better.


Top left: 4 each of kale and spinach. I'll plant those out in the garden this week, I think. I need more pots, and it's time they got some space.

Top right: two sets of 8 pots: Purple Coneflower and New England Aster for the bees. Nothing up in either.

The rest are just potting soil that I'm watering and letting warm up. That stuff is dusty dry, so it takes time to get it damp. I cover everything but the spinach and kale with some clear plastic totes. The green house is just passive solar heat.
I spent a couple hours going through my seeds. So. Many. Tomato. Seeds!

I have it narrowed down. A lot. I think.

Maybe I need another garden. :lau No, no, no.

Some things I'm trying for the first time:
Yellow Beets

I'm going to plant some red beets, just because I have the seed. I'll grow those for the greens. The yellow beets I bought in the store were much better than I remember red beets tasting. I bought golden beet seed, and I'll plant those separately, so I know which is which. Yellow beets for beets, red beets for greens.

That sounds colorful.

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