Sally's GF3 thread

I'm not sure what they're doing with the cows. They haven't said on the news; mostly they tell us about problems, but not often about the solutions, if there are any.

"Cows infected with AI! Virus jumps species!" is news.

"Entire commercial flock depopulated due to AI" is news

"Two dairy cows are recovering from AI" is not, I guess. Or maybe culling two cows out of hundreds is not.

I need to do some digging online to see if there's anything else about it.
I still do not know what county in NC the affected dairy herd is in. So far they announced counties for birds and mammals, wonder why not the cows? I would like to know.

I have read it is mainly affected older dairy cows. It does not seem to be as fatal for cows as it is to poultry.
I have read nothing about any cows being culled. They are not doing wide spread testing in cattle only on symtomatic ones. How will they know where it come from or how it is spreading?

A positive domestic cat was found at one location with positive cows.

From the little I've found, seems they are still unsure about a lot of this and still trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

My birds are undercover as well. No one goes in their area but me and DH.
I still get nervous when cases pop up near by.
My birds are undercover as well. No one goes in their area but me and DH.
I still get nervous when cases pop up near by.
Me too. I'm the only caretaker for my birds.

A friend sent hubby a FB notice about a rooster needing another home. (My rooster died on 2 March.)

I am not taking a bird from:
1) someone I don't know; 2) a flock I don't know; 3) a flock I can't go visit, to see how they're kept and if they're healthy; 4) and I'm not going to go in person to another person's property where there are chickens.

So I'm not even going to ask hubby to get any more info. I'm not on FB.
Me too. I'm the only caretaker for my birds.

A friend sent hubby a FB notice about a rooster needing another home. (My rooster died on 2 March.)

I am not taking a bird from:
1) someone I don't know; 2) a flock I don't know; 3) a flock I can't go visit, to see how they're kept and if they're healthy; 4) and I'm not going to go in person to another person's property where there are chickens.

So I'm not even going to ask hubby to get any more info. I'm not on FB.
I feel the exact same way.
I'd love to be able to take in some needing a home occasionally but the risk is just too great.
We had some heavy rain and high winds today, for about 20 minutes. Maybe a scant half inch of water for the garden, with a possibility of more tomorrow. Fine by me; it makes the weeds easier to pull.

The wind was just for show. We have several Frasier Firs in our front yard, and the boughs whipping back and forth was impressive, but, as a certain mouse said, "doesn't come down to meaning anything." Let me know if you get the reference.

After the rain, I checked the row of peas I planted a few days ago. I counted 13 out of 30 that had joined the above ground world. I thought I saw signs of a vole (broken, humped dirt) going down the line for a pea seed snack. If so, it missed a bunch. :plbb
You see the little sprout here? (The green thing next to it is a weed.)

That's a pepper, or tomato, stuck in its seed coat. I had a lot of them do this this year. I don't know why; maybe the soil is too dry or too cool?

Anyway. In years past, these have just dried up and died. This year, I have saved every one of them so far by dripping a drop of water on the seed coat 2-3 times a day. This keeps the coat from getting hard and sticking to the leaves. The leaves can still grow, so they can push the seed coat off. This little guy is now a cayenne pepper sprout.

Or maybe a tomato sprout. Not sure. Alive and happy, anyway.
They advertised frost last night. I covered the blueberry bushes with garbage bags, and we draped sheets over the cherry trees.

Very glad we did. There was light frost on the bags! Everything looks to be fine. We won't need to cover them tonight, but will on Tuesday and Wednesday. After that, I think we're in the clear for awhile.

The blueberry bushes and cherry trees are FULL of buds/blossoms.

:fl :fl :fl Really hoping for our first cherries and a good batch of blueberries. Gotta protect them from the birds.

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