~ Update ~
Alrighty! Protocol has been changed:

I soaked them all in warm water with Epsom Salt and one or two drops Oregano Oil.
I scrubbed their little feet with Dawn Dish Detergent using a soft-bristled toothbrush.
I rinsed with water and blotted dry.
Then I applied Betadine and/or Banixx to the feet. I let it dry.
I wrapped with Sugardine if the foot looked to still be infected and Bag Balm if the foot looked like it is healing.
I did not cut or remove any scabs since most of them looked to be okay today.
I wrapped them back up and will repeat again as often as I can.
We'll see how they do!

Updated pictures:
This is day 47 since treatment was started on Brie and Mari.
This is day 26 since treatment was started on Debbi.

Debbi: She is looking significantly better than when I first started working on her feet! What an encouraging outcome!

Day 1:
View attachment 3852538
Day 26:
View attachment 3852514

Mari: Mari is looking better, albeit, not as much improvement as Debbi. I have noticed the skin on their feet surrounding the wounds are looking much healthier in general. There was a small lump forming on the left toe in the right picture that has disappeared now.

Day 1:View attachment 3852539
Day 47:
View attachment 3852517

(The lighting on the right picture is off. I didn't realize at the time, and now it is wrapped up.)
Awesome! All your work is paying off!

Oh, and I looked at one of my hens that I thought had bumble and I saw no scabs.
Awesome! All your work is paying off!

Oh, and I looked at one of my hens that I thought had bumble and I saw no scabs.
Thanks for always coming back and offering encouragement!

That's great to hear their scabs went away! I sure hope my girls heal up well. 😊

They all seem to be doing well -- still no limping. Brie has started panting harder than normal (The Faverolles have panted for a while in the coop at night.) But it was almost in the high 80s° today. I hope it's not for some other reason.

I'm gonna check and re-wrap their feet tomorrow again.
Thanks for always coming back and offering encouragement!
Of course, you're most welcome!
That's great to hear their scabs went away! I sure hope my girls heal up well. 😊
I'm sure your hens will heal up great.
They all seem to be doing well -- still no limping. Brie has started panting harder than normal (The Faverolles have panted for a while in the coop at night.) But it was almost in the high 80s° today. I hope it's not for some other reason.
With that weather chickens will pant, especially Faverolles.
I'm gonna check and re-wrap their feet tomorrow again.
Once their feet are scabbed over I think you could stop on the wrapping.
~ Update #7 ~

We are on day 51 since treatments were first started for the girls.
I started today off feeling discouraged that Brie's feet didn't look better. I must not have remembered how bad it was before, because when I looked back at the photos, I was shocked how much better her foot was!
I am so happy at this improvement.


Here is her right foot
(left foot when upside down):

The swelling on the top of her foot has decreased and the redness has gone down! I am also very happy that the scales on her foot seem to be healthier. They were raised and broken in some areas before. Now they look so good!


The first photo is when the scab was really bad.
In the second photo, the scab had improved, but her foot had massively swelled from the NU Stock (?). That photo was just after I had cleaned the foot and removed the scab.
The third photo is from today. Her skin looks so healthy. There was no scab. The swelling had gone down some and it was not very red.


Here is her left foot
(right foot when upside down):

This is the one that I was having such trouble with when we attempted that first surgery. The scab has gotten much smaller now. I think her skin in general looks much healthier.

Protocol is the same since the last update. I am trying a corn ring from a pharmacy on Brie's foot to relieve some pressure on that area.

Praise the Lord for this wonderful improvement!

I have taken such pleasure the past two treatments in scrubbing their little feet clean with dawn and water and then towel drying. It is so satisfying. 😆

Thank you, Tookie & azygous for your wonderful help! It has been a blessing to my family.
Last edited:
~ Update #7 ~

We are on day 51 since treatments were first started for the girls.
I started today off feeling discouraged that Brie's feet didn't look better. I must not have remembered how bad it was before, because when I looked back at the photos, I was shocked how much better her foot was!
I am so happy at this improvement.


Here is her right foot
(left foot when upside down):
View attachment 3854661
The swelling on the top of her foot has decreased and the redness has gone down! I am also very happy that the scales on her foot seem to be healthier. They were raised and broken in some areas before. Now they look so good!

View attachment 3854663
The first photo is when the scab was really bad.
In the second photo, the scab had improved, but her foot had massively swelled from the NU Stock (?). That photo was just after I had cleaned the foot and removed the scab.
The third photo is from today. Her skin looks so healthy. There was no scab. The swelling had gone down some and it was not very red.


Here is her left foot
(right foot when upside down):
View attachment 3854664
This is the one that I was having such trouble with when we attempted that first surgery. The scab has gotten much smaller now. I think her skin in general looks much healthier.

Protocol is the same since the last update. I am trying a corn ring from a pharmacy on Brie's foot to relieve some pressure on that area.

Praise the Lord for this wonderful improvement!

I have taken such pleasure the past two treatments in scrubbing their little feet clean with dawn and water and then towel drying. It is so satisfying. 😆

Thank you, Tookie & azygous for your wonderful help! It has been a blessing to my family.
They're looking so much better, yay! :clap

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