
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.

You've recieved some good advice already! As long as you practice good hygiene and try to keep them away from your face, you should be fine.
I'm glad you joined us!

Chickens can carry all sorts of bacteria that they pick up throughout their life, including salmonella. As long as you practice basic food safety and other skills (washing hands, cooking eggs thoroughly, etc.), you shouldn't experience any problems, though.
Welcome to the flock, ditto to what everyone said about good hygiene but also, make sure young'un's wear safety glasses or goggles. Chicks & grown birds are very attracted to sparkly things like eyes - and will peck at them.
I guess I'm still confused. I keep reading mixed opinions. Is it safe to let my 1 and 3 year-old touch them? Basically, if they wash their hands it's okay? Will their clothes be contaminated? How sanitary do we have to be? Are most reputable feed stores okay to get chicks from? Sorry, I'm a first-timer and still debating on whether or not to get chicks/hens.

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